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Encre's P.O.V ( after being locked in her room)

Fallacy just locked the door and walked away I lest I have my sketchbook I sit on the bed though i'm a little hungery do to not haveing dinner I shut my book I walked to the bathroom deciding i shuld take a shower after im done drying off i hear a knock at my door I put a plan dark blue silk dress on for when I go to sleep the iron door opins I thought I would see bunny but I see a different maid she looked like a human child? She was holding a tray of food " hello I brought dinner " she said as she handed me thr tray " thank you uh I dont know your name" I said " oh im Fibi " the child said " okay thats a nuce name fibi" I said " thank you I will be right back with some cloths for you " fibi said as she left I didint hear the lock but I know fallacy's room is down the hall so I cant risk it sat on the bed and eat the food fibi soon came back with some pants shirts and dresses laggings. " thanks fibi " I said " yeah i'll be back in an hour for the tray " fibi said as she left and locked the door I just sat and continued eating I soon finished and put it by the iron door as I whent to sleep

Fallacys P.O.V ( next night they sleep through the day )

I got up I and got dressed and walked down stares to the cookes to make shure today's dinner will be fancy  because im curious on how encre will reacked to a fancy dinner tonight but more then that im going to let her explore the Castle today with bunny of course i told bunny yesterday so she already knows the plain but i'm also going to add some more things to encres room to make it more nice its nice to know that encre isint crying anymore like the first day she came here. I walked to my little artsis room to make shure shes up and readdy as i unlock thr door i hear mivemint on the other side so she is up " hello encre " i say " hello fallacy" encer says " get readdy you have a big day " i told her she seems to get a bit more curious i exit and locked the door I head to go to sauve to make shure he understands thr pland after all is jasper wonts he can come too knowing my son  he will because sauve is going to.

Encre's P.O.V ( right as fallacy is unlocking the door

As i exit the bathroom  because i was geting dressed in a red dress with black flower design its a pretty long dress or at lest the longist one i've seen its  I can barly see my feet  i hear the door opin who could it be " hello encre" fallacy said " hello fallacy " i said with out studdering dosint mean im not nerves about being near him " get readdy you have a big day" fallacy said what dos he mean by that well i guess its going to be better then being locked in this room all day fallacy leaves and lockes the stupid iron door  well i'm already Ready so i guess i'll draw after drawing for about 30-40 minutes the door is unlocked and fibi is standing there " hello fibi" i say with a smile " hello encre its time for breakfast follow me to the dining room. " fibi said and I did I followed her down to thr dining room and sat in the same spot as last time fallacy jasper and sauve all come in at the same time and took the same sets well sauve stood in the same spot as last time but he whent to the kitchen i was surprised to see him come out with a plate of chocolate covered strawberries and and some berries ( aka blueberries raspberries BlackBerries and normal strawberries ) bunny was holding some neatly made and cut sandwiches  the too set the playes in front of all 3 of us so we all had 2 sandwiches a couple chocolate covered strawberries and then some normal berries bunny was standing behind, me and fallacy as sauve stood behind jasper as we where eating the severints walked out into the kitchen as we finished  they came out grabed the plated and i guess put them in the kitchen sauve jasper and fallacy left i was confused so far fallacy would tell me what's going on but NOPE im at this point standing in the dining room staring at bunny because shes the only one who didint walk away " encre fallow me " bunny said " huh bunny where are we going?" I asked " lord fallacy has asked me to give you a tour for the day " bunny said " oh okay" i said as i followed her we whent every where but the hall where my bedroom is as well as fallacy's ( just wait ) after the tour sauve came to bring me back to my room i was confused its only been like 3 hours ( they speent a lot of time in the library) I just followed him not really wonting to go back though i'm surprised to see jasper and fallacy waiting "hello encre " fallacy says " hi encre " jasper says " hello fallacy hello jasper what's going on?" I greated/asked " you'll see " fallacy said " just look at your room " jasoer said excitedly "okay " as i step into my room its still the same yet better it has a dresser witht the cloths in it theres a desk definitely from france same with the chair in the cornor the chair at the desk is just a wooden chair with blue cushion's  theres also and easle and canvas and my paint's from my satchel my paint brushes papper on the desk pens pencil's and my skeachbook on the desk to a night table right by the bed the room feels more like a room now and less like a prison now the one thing i have no clue how they did is theres a window now LIKE HOW how the walls are bricks ( White. brickes ) as i look around fallacy begines to speek " so encre do you like it?" Fallacy said " its beautiful " i told him " good i thought you would like an upgrade in your oh and befor i forget your room will not be locked anymore you are able to go anywhere in the casle as long as you dont try to run away " fallacy said but he said the run away in a deeper tone kinda as if he was saying got it " okay " i said "  dinner will be readdy in 2 hours " sauve said " if you need anything call for bunny " fallacy said a"okay" i said  " have fun " fallacy said as the 3 of the left i walked to the library. Maby fallacy isint so bad  i mean if he was i wouldent be able to be anywhere with out someone waching me i'm pretty sure if he was i would just be locked up like when u first came here I enter the libary and grab a random called The Chronices of Narnia ( TO NARNIA and thank's google for the book name 😆) as i read i lost track of time i didint hear the door opin i get out of my head by fallacy waveing a hand in my face " encre dinner was suppost to start 10 minutes ago " fallacy said a bet mad as he taps his food with his arm crossed " sorry i lost track of time " i said a bet scard because fallacy was mad fallacy sighed "just come one" fallacy said as he grabed my arm " okay fallacy " i said we sat down at the table  i stayed  quiet " what took so long?" Jasper asked " encre lost track of time in the library" fallacy said calmly after a sauve whent into the kitchen once he came out there there was steak, mashed potatoes, corn, green beans, cake so much good stuff after dinner i whent to my room and fell asleep with an unlocked door thank the hevens

Fallacys P.O.V ( right after breakfast)

After we where done eating me sauve and jasper walked to encres room and got to work me and jasper where building the desk as sauve put encres cloths in the dresser  once we finished the deskwe put it nere the bathroom door with a chair with blue cushion's yes where are useing stuff from france I think it fits and the other's do to we also put a chair in the cornor and a nightstand  it took 2 and a half hours but its worth it to make MY little artsis happy ( possesive much fallacy????) we relaxed for a half an hour we heard voce's i sent sauve to get my little artsis he came back with her we all welcomed her  after a minute jasper told encer to look at her room she did i think she was serprised i told her some rulles and then the three of us left " father do you think she likes her room now " jasper asked acting as if .he was 10 dont get me wrong he looks like hes 10 but hes not hes 20 the same age as sauve despite how jasper  looks "m'lord please didint you look at her eyes and  facial expression she was happy" sauve said " i agree sauve she was happy " i sad agreeing with sauve  jasper smiled i left to my room to countine reading 2 houres whent by time for dinner i put the book down and whent to the dinning room jasper got there a minute after me along with sauve but where's encre " father where's encre " jasper asked " i dont know let me go cheek " i whent to the 2ed floor i smelt the air i got encres sent i followed it to the library i saw encres face in a book i walked over to her and waved my hand in front of her face she snaped out of it " encre dinner was suppost to start 10 minutes ago" i said annored so my tone sounded mad " sorry fallacy i lost track of time " encre said i could tell she saw scard because i was a bet mad at her but i couldent stay mad at her she's too cute wait what i am not falling for a human gr after dinner im goung for a fly just come on " i said as i grab her arm and pull her to the dining room befor we left the library she said sorry after we finished eating encre left to her room i walked to the front door transeformed into a bat and had a night fly I saw a diffint human this one will be fun killing i landed on a branch staring at this human it was a man he was in yellow shirt and blue jeans the man had stakeds ( is that how you spell it probably not but you know the wooding things you use to kill vampires )" uge where is that idiot artsis" the man said wait artsis is he talking about encre? " i  swear to asgor if he ever makes me come looking for that stupid panter encre agin i'm moveing " the man raged wait ENCRE oh this man is so dead the man walked more into the forst" i swear asgo needs to not pick favorites cant he just get a new artsis if he really like this panter keep them at the casle jez ' the man said okay thats it HES DEAD MEAT i flew infront of him " uge a dame bat " the man raged i transformed back into vampire " WHAT " the man pulled out the wooden stake and put it out infront of him " s-stay back monster" the man yealled " NO" i said in a mad tone " g-get away from me " he yelled as i walked near him i grabed his shirt and smashed him agines the tree really hard im surprised it didint break the man coughed up some blood i laughed " you deseve to die disgusting creature" after i said that his eyes widdend " n-No y-you do" he said trying to be brave " oh really now ether way your dieing for saying encres stupid idiot i will not let annyone call MY LITTLE ARTSIS THOUGH'S STUPID NAMES NOW DIE" i said my voce truning demodic i grabed his shirt and bit his neck he screamed for help and for me to stop i drank all his blood after he was empty i grabed his dead body and flew near undervill i through the body the of the shit head infront of the Village gate i Heard a girl scream jeffery i transeformed and whent back to the Castle i cheek on my little artsis to find her fast asleep shes so cute CUT IT OUT FALLACY man i need to get a hold of my self love between a vampire and a human is  forbidden

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