Chapter 4

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Encres P.O.V

I woke up and put on a plan white shirt and bright blue jeans. I was waring my normal shoes I grabed the book of my night stand and began to read not eaveing 20 minutes after i began reading i thought back to yesterday how i was for once out side theses walls but i got attacked and then fallacy called me his little artsis i still dont get ITTTT why did fallacy call me HIS why did the vampire think i was fallacy's pet i dont get it. I just dont get it as i thought and thought something crossed my mined the vampire said something about claiming or something god vampires are so weird after 10 minute of thinking i siged and continued readding the book ( Narnia)
After a little bit i heard a knok at the door "come in " i said as i closed the book as i put it back on the night stand " encre breakfast will be in 5 minute dont be late " bunny said and i think you can tell why she added the dont be late part ( yeah cose you totally havent been late before ) " okay bunny " i said she gavw mw a little nod and left i seriously think the Servant's are beging to get more formal i'v noticed anyways i start walking down to the dinning room i was the first huh i guess im early by a minute or too i sat down in the normal spot soon fallacy jasper with swave came in i think i shoked fallacy a bit his facial expression changed for a split secont befor he smiled and like always swave whent into the kichon to grab the plates he came out put them on the table we eat so on so on like every morning ( well night ) after we finished eating befor fallacy left " uh fallacy" i said " hmm? Yes encre?" Fallacy said " is there any paint supplise here " i asked fallacy stoped deep in thought the only reson i asked is i have little paint and no canve's " give me a half and hour encre " fallacy said " uh okay "i said i walked to the Garden and layed down well till i saw a bat fly over the garden then i sat up the bat whent over to the front door i walked in the casle and looked at the front door i saw bunny go to the door and take the ledder they said there byes and bunny closed the door ( what cold this "Letter" say) i decided to go to the Library not to do much i sat on the sofa and sketched for most of the da-night.

Fallacy's P.O.V when bunny brought the letter to fallacy

I was thinking about where we put the paint's and canvases. But my thought where interrupted bye a knok on the door "come in " i said bunny came in with a letter? Uge dont be from the counsel "lord fallacy a litter came in today from the vampire counsel" bunny said i sighed of course its the counsel " just give it hear then you may leave " i said annoed im the king of all vampires yet i still have to deal with the counsel i opend the letter
Dear fallacy
We are comeing in 3 days for a meeting. We also heard your keeping a mortal. If this is true we are going to have some problom's. theres also the Eterna problom. See you in 3 days

-singed the vampire counsel

Uge how the hell did they fined out about encre this is bad really bad. Theres no way i'm going to tell encre  i put the letter on a bored you know what im going for a flight i walk down stares " where are you going m"lord " one of the maids asked " im going for a flight tell swave that ill be back befor sunrise " i said as i left. I was flying it was so good to get out of that casle. After a cupple houres i relized something its almost sunrise i stared flying fast back to the casle after a good 5 minutes i was back at the casle the doores opend as i walked though. Dinner was alreaddy done so the cookes made me some meat then i whent off to bed i will worry about the counsel later

Jaspers P.O.V begining of the night ( yay diffint p.o.v )

As i woke up i heard the knok on the door i already new who it was " come in swave " i said and like every night he comes in " M'lord you need to get readdy its almost time to eat " swave said uge i already told him to stop talking so formal to me " swave just call me jasper " i said as a crossed my armes " M'lord that wouldnt fell right " swave said trying to protest " thats not asking swave its a command " i said with a little grin he can't fight my command he sighed " yes M'lor-jasper " he said he almost said lord he fixed what he was saing pritty fast i got out of bed and walked over to my dresser i grabed my normal colths only encre really changes what shes whereing me and father just where the same outfit ( they have like 10pares of there everyday outfit soo yeah) i walk to the bath room and change as i walk out i see swave is holding the door opin for me i sighed and walked though he followed when we where eating it was the same no one was talking it was becomeing a boring rutine encre who my father ovisly has a crush on asked him about paint i think its so funny encre dosit relize that father likes her hehe after a cupple houres of swave teaching me stuff ill need to know and french   We walked in the garden " so swave isint thr sky lovly tonight " i said/asked " yes it is M- uh jasper " after a little bit we when back in but i looked in on my father with out him noticeing he was reading a letter he looked mad and worred theres only one thing in that letter that could do that the vampire counsel ( smart lad jasper is ) i walked away the rest of the night me and swave talked by the time it was dinner time me swave and encre noticed one tall vampire missing " swave wheres father?" I asked " yeah wheres fallacy " encre asked " i-i dont know " swave said  one of the maides came in " lord fallacy is out of a flyiet " she said she bowed then took her leave.

Shuld something happin next chapter when the counsel is over?

A.they make fallacy mark encre.    B. Fallacy manige to hide encre  C. They try to take encre away

Leave your anser in the commints wich one gets the most votes  is the one that i use

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