Chapter 2.

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Toushiro sat up and stretched her arms while wiggling her cramped fingers. About time she could actually see that she is making some progress with the paperwork. Damn Matsumoto. Leaving the office a mess with work to be done. Deciding to have a break, the girl got up and brought her mug of tea to the couch.

" *sigh* I guess I have time to roam." Well... not roam. More like, playing hide-and-seek with her drinking lietant. Setting down her mug, the frosty captain closed the blinds for the windows and took time to tidy the empty room before taking one last look in the room and leaving and shutting the slide door.


Ichigo, the one who had pissed off the female who seemed to had have an anger issue, much to his dissapointment since he liked this person, set off towards Renji, his other shinigami buddy. He was originally going to see him so they could spar a little, but after the little 'chat' with the white-haired captain, he is now going to see if his red-headed friend knew anything about this girl since she had became quite an interesting someone.

The substitute shinigami busted through the sixth division slidding door uninvitingly while having no thought to pay for the mess later.

" Oi, Renji. I need to talk to you!" Renji looked up from his chat with his captain, Byakuya.

" Dammit Ichigo. Hold on." Byakuya watched in amusement as Ichigo dragged the screaming Renji out the room, as if him and Renji hadn't had an important discussion on how to make your hair look beautiful.


" Com'on. You mean you don't know anything about her!?"

" I didn't say that. It's just...look, all I know is that she's the weilder of the strongest ice-type zanpakto making her cold, literally and mentally, and she's well... considered to be a little girl by her phedophile."

Ichigo's fingers twitched, eager to have ZanGetzu in his hand  to show Renji what-for, but he was in a hurry.

" I'm not a phedophile you stupid red-headed freak. I just wanted to know who she was. Thanks for the useless info boke." And before Renji could insult him back, Ichigo quickened his pace out of the sixth division corrider and ran to the one he was at previously. The tenth division.

The girl, Toushiro, is actually a very beautiful girl, despite her coldness towards everyone. Her teal green eyes seemed to enhance her beauty which is only used to glare at everyone for unknown reasons. And those delicate hands that seemed to itch for paperwork, judging by her reaction when he wouldn't give it back. And that gravity-defying snow white hair that seemed to look as soft as it would to feel.

If only he could melt that frostiness away from her and hold her small form against his warm body. To sleep with her and wake up the next day to a person who actually loves him back.

Once Ichigo reached his destination, he slid the door open to a dark and empty room.

" Oi! Toushiro ?" Ichigo frowned when only silence answered him, an unknown feeling came to him that almost seemed like, worry.

" Um... H-hitsugaya-t-taicho right? Hellooo-Woah!"

Ichigo whipped his head around to see a dainty hand resting on the switch, the hand leading to the captain herself. Another thing he noticed was red-head with the biggest pair of boobs, second to Orihime's herself.

" Y-you..."

" T-toushiro..."

"Hmmm?" Rangiku's eyes flicked from Ichigo to Hitsugaya for almost forever before she dicovered a faint blush on her captain's baby cheeks.

' Aaaah...' A cat smile.

" Wh-what the hell are you doing here!?" Was Toushiro's outburst after feeling a violent shiver reach her spine.

Ichigo almost flinched and rubbed the back of his head sheepishly. " Ahehe. S-sorry I uh...I wanted to-"

" Boke, you should've kept outside. I don't like intruders and could've bashed your head within a second if I hadn't turned on the lights."

" I-I figured as much." He pretty much figured she could be the ' cute but deadly ' type.

" So have I." Rangiku's smile stretched at the two confused looks she recieved.

" Matsumoto shut up and go fill out the paperwork."

" Hai hai. * giggle *." Now Toushiro was confused. Matsumoto eager to fill out paperwork is the one in her dreams. So what has gotten into this one?

" Kurosaki OUT!" Ichigo this time, did flinch and ran out before she could snap his neck. Okay so this meeting didn't... turn out so well. Maybe later is a better time.


Ankusdiary: Hoho... I hope he doesn't interrupt a private moment of Toushiro's. ( spoiler )

Toushiro: Why didn't I delete this account when I had the chance?

Ichigo: Sweet I look forward to the next chapter!

Ankusdiary: Yeeheehee!

Toushiro: Please stop that.

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