Chapter 9.

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Anku: So so so sorry for the long wait. I was enjoying summer too much that I got to lazy to write. Don't worry I'm back. After getting my daily dose of IchiHitsu, I realized how all of my fans expect from me that I felt guilty and wrote like mad to get this chapter done, as well as half of the next one so the next update will be soon!

Ichigo: Whew. I'm ready for this!

Toushiro: Why am I even still here?


Ichigo sat in his last class until lunch in thought.

How could Toushiro just brush off the fact that she was about to be.... If he hadn't happen to be going to the bathroom then bastard would've-no. The bell would save her. But her shirt was already damaged enough to anger the boy. Though he tried to appear calm, he REALLY felt like stomping on the pervert's head until his skull cracked.

Still, his murderous emotions were interrupted and automatically switch around when he found himself leaning down to kiss her. What on Earth possessed him to do that!? But then, didn't Toushiro lean up as well?

If the bell hadn't rung, then they'd still be there making out...maybe.

His stomach fluttered at the thought of kissing her. Only one could dream but to Ichigo...

That is his goal.

With Ichigo's minx back to place he began to think about what had happened when they had first entered the school. They were able to get schedules in less than a day but he doubted any of them were in they're classes. For example, Toushiro.

Another one us Matsumoto since she was supposed to be in this very class right now.

Just how did they get those schedules anyways?


Renji sat up from the bed and looked at the time.

1:00 am. Perfect.

Once he got Ikkaku to wake up ( rolling him on to the floor), the two quietly crept out of the house and outside the house on the front step, before following the captain and Yumichika that had got back into appropriate clothes and the four walked down the street, meeting with Matsumoto on the way. Toushiro ignored the urge to strangle the woman and they set off to the school, that was still open since there are lights on.

( Just pretend the principle comes first before the teachers super early.)

They opened the door and the group looked for the office and once they found their destination, the gang walked into the office and before the office clerk could say anything, they kicked down the door for the principle's room and they watch the old man fall down from his seat.

" Wh-who are you people!?" He yelled in shock at the strange group while fixing his glasses.

The girl in the front crossed her arms with a small amused smirk.

" We need you to do a favor for us...Abarai, Madarame...."

" Hai, Taicho!"

The principle backed up as the two burly and tall men slowly walk up to him with cracking fists.

" W-wait wait! Nooooo!!!..."


Matsumoto giggled as she hid behind a bush from getting attacked with lusty eyes once agin from those love strucken fools.

It was hilarious to see so many guys all up on her and most weren't even sizing up to her since she is a WOMAN not a highschool GIRL. Making sure the coast was clear, she stood up and stretched her arms. While most teenagers hated highschool, Matsumoto thought it was fun! But only because of the fact that she was the best looking person there. Er...second because no way if she could ever beat her cute little captain.

And speaking of her captain, the girl was walking outside with a bored look. Perfect timing.

" Caaaaptain!" Matsumoto ignored the glare and ran up. The woman blinked when she looked at the red sweater. She remembered someone else wearing that before too...

" Eh!? Is that Kurosaki-ku-"

" Shhhhh!!" The flushed girl shushed the loud mouth and crossed her arms while looking away.

" Yes. It is." She muttered through gritted teeth. The sound of Matsumoto squealing was the sound of nails scraping down a chalk board.

" Oh Captain! This is so great! You guys are so perfect for eachother-"

" N-no! Stop saying that. It's...not going to happen." But Toushiro knew she was lying. Her heart was racing earlier when it looked like they were about kiss.

Did this mean she liked Kurosaki? Even if they barely met about almost a week ago? Even IF she did, did he like her back? No, that's a stupid question of course he does...maybe.

Would they have tiem for eachother? Would they get tired of it and then break up earlier than expected?

Could she even say those three words!?

Matsumoto watched her captain go through different experesions, until finally it ended with her usual frown.

" I'm heading to the roof, save me the trouble and go find the others. We need to discuss our plans and what Kurosaki is to expect later on."

" Hm? Save you the trouble why?" Toushiro blushed heavily but did not say anything. She was trying hard to forget that sinful scene, and it is hard especially when it just happen not long ago.

" N-no reason. Just go." Matsumoto could tell that something was defiantly up.

And why does her captain have Ichigo's sweater?


Anku: I just recieved a comment that looked like a flame. I responded on pm and well...* goes to comment back on pm*

Ichigo: She and some guy have been arguing back and forth for nearly an hour now.

Toushiro: Well, at least I'm not the only one who dislikes this story.

Anku: * comes back.* Okay. Just so to make it clear to anyone else...

I really don't care if you don't like this idea. I DON'T! I have 32 followers and 32 favorites so I could care less. I WILL continue this story and I WILL finish it and Hitsugaya is not replaced as AN OC!


Thank you. Like, follow, and review. * leaves room *

Toushiro and Ichigo: O_O

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