Chapter 8

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Salvatore's POV

Before Tristan got into his truck, I gave him my cell number. Then, we both left and headed back home. I pulled into my driveway, and entered the garage. Aurora was waiting in the kitchen. "Well what happened?"

"I'll tell you when I figure that out for myself." I went up to my room and sat down on my bed. I put my phone on charge. I lied down and went to sleep.

Tristan's POV

Victoria was waiting for me, when I got home. "Well what happened?"

"Honestly, I must break up with Jeremy, before Salvatore and I can get together."


"Yeah we are getting together after I break it off with Jeremy." She made a high-pitched squeak.

"OMG I can't believe you are going to leave Jeremy. He was like your dream guy, right?"

"Not really. I mean at first, he was, but now it's like he's a completely different person. Salvatore on the other hand is what I seen in Jeremy at first." I left Victoria in the kitchen and walked up to my room. When I got to my room I shut and locked the door. I went to my computer and turned it on.

After about three minutes I logged onto Skype. I looked to see if he was online and he was. I clicked the call button and waited. "Hello, Beautiful. What's wrong?"

"Nothing is wrong I just have to talk to you."


"Us. I need to talk to you about us."

"Ok what is it? A don't lie to me." Ok here is the moment of truth.

"I think we should break up. Before you say anything let me finish. I haven't felt the same way for you for a while. And so, before either of us gets hurt worse than now, I think that it would be best. Ok I'm finished."

"How long?"

"How Long What?"

"How long have you felt differently?"

"About a month maybe longer I'm not really sure."

"OK that's all I wanted to know, so besides that why?"

"I just don't love you that way anymore. I hope we can still be friends."

"I would like that. But it would have been nice, if you would have said something, before you left."

"I thought it was just the stress from everything. But I was wrong. I will message you when I think we can talk without bringing this back up." I ended the call, and deleted him from my contact list. I leaned back in my chair and closed my eyes.

Salvatore's POV

I woke up to my phone vibrating off the bedside table. I looked at the screen. It was a message from Tristan. 'can you meet me at the field?'

'yeah give me about ten minutes and I'll be there.' I left my room and ran to my truck.

"Where do you think you are going now of the night?" My mom asked.

"Soccer business mom needed at the field ASAP."

"Ok just be careful."

"I will." I backed out of the driveway and drove to the field. Sitting in the center was Tristan and his sister, Victoria I think. "What's wrong?" I asked as soon as I was in earshot. Victoria turned to me and nudged Tristan. He must have fell asleep.

"Thanks for meeting me. I need to know something."


"Do you love me or not? I need to know." I wasn't sure if I could answer that. But my mouth opened before my brain caught what was coming out.

"Yes,with my whole heart. And before you ask, I don't know how I know but I do." Hejumped up with tears in his eyes and hugged me. I just put my arms around himand let him cry into my shoulder.    

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