First Shock

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Even though i love studying, i just hate waking up so much. I think the only thing that motivates me enough is the smell of the breakfast Isobel is cooking. As i reach the kitchen i hug her.
- Good morning Isy
- Good morning sweetie. Ready for the first day?
- I just wish i could sleep more. - we had breakfast together and there was a knock on the door.
-It's probably Noora. Ill see you later at the diner okay?
- Sure honey have a great day.
I grabbed my coat and scarf after all this is Norway, and went out the door.
-Hey Noora. Excited?
- not really, everyone already knows each other so prepare for the judgy looks.
Nothing could prepare us for that. It honestly felt like the hole school stopped to see the new girls. Ok we get it, but that scared me into thinking we wouldn't be accepted.
Getting there we got our schedules. After my morning classes i met Noora at lunch.
- So, any cute boys in you class? - honestly i just like pissing her off cause shes such a prude.
- Eva have you even watched your classes? - I was going to answer her when I didn't.      - There's are two boys who came together to school, like the two of you did, and they're SO hot. Probably fuckboys, one is William can't remember the next and...- Yep. We were talking to a true excited gossiper. - So, im Vilde whats your names? - guess who we spent the rest of our lunch with. As the three of us went to the corridor to go to class and I went to open the door, it opened before i could reach it, sending me to the ground.
- shit im sorry pretty. - i heard a booming laughter and then looked to the hand extended to me, taking it so i could get up. I let go of it once, feeling a shock in my arm - powerful tingles going from my skin to my soul it seemed. I was so cold but i felt so warm suddently. I grabbed his hand again and
as i stood up i looked at whoever it was.
-no prob hm problem.- my voice wavered. I don't think i have seen a more handsome boy, but i dont usually stutter. I stuttered not because of his beauty, but because of his eyes. They seemed like they had seem to much in a short lifetime, reminding me of my own.
- Sorry i didn't see you. - the awkward part is that he hadn't let go of my hand yet.
- It's fine really. I'm sure i blushed. Nothing like the great combination of red hair and cheeks. Thank you god.
- So what's your name?
-ehem. -the other boy coughed and the one in front of me suddenly seemed to remember the people around us, letting my hand go gently.
-i mean, whats the name of the three beautiful ladies?
Vilde excitedly started a conversation but I couldn't stop looking at him. His eyes never left mine and it felt like we were reading each other's life stories through them, absorving the similarities of feelings. It's true what they say, the eyes are the mirrors of the soul. You just apparently have to find someone who can reas yours. Feeling and thinking this mad me feel so overwhelmed like the static in the corridor was too much and i had to leave.
- I'm sorry but i have to go to class. So... bye hm Chris.
- Bye Eva. We will see you at the party on friday.
- What party?
- A party for second years, so we can all meet each other. Ill text you the adress, if you give me your phone. - he looked hopeful as he handed me his phone.
I took it, and instead of putting "Eva" i wrote "Pretty". I gave it back, my hand gently brushing his and giving me more shocks to ponder on.
- Ok text me. I winked, a normal Eva move - not the Eva who seemed to bloom on his presence but the one I was used to, and was on my way with the girls. While walking i heard
- Dude you're aware the girl fell and you called her pretty right?
- I know. It just came, you know i saw her this morning. It felt weird meeting her.
- What do you mean?
- It felt like I already knew her.
They're voices faded and the three of us laughed on the way to class. My heart secretly beating out of my chest, because i felt the exact same thing he described.
- I cannot believe that just happened. William is just too handsome. Omg you guys we are already invited to a party. - Said Vilde.
Later that day i was at the diner doing homework alongside Noora when my phone sounded, an unknown number. The text said
Hey pretty, drove me crazy thinking I lost your number. Good thing I could still remember your eyes before finding it or I would have gone crazy.
I don't even know how to make my body not boil with ecstasy after this text.
- Is it Chris?
- Yes Noora
- Are you gonna make out with him on friday?
- Most likely.
I couldn't wait.

Tell me what you think
Vic 🖤

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