[ Gravity Falls ] Bill Cipher X Reader - Angst

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[ First Person ]

I wandered down the streets of Gravity Falls, staring down at the cracked sidewalk. The sound of construction was the only sound that you could hear as you made your way through the half destroyed town. No one was talking to one another, except for the occasional sound of instructions being yelled out. Honestly, I couldn't blame them. No one wanted to talk about the series of events that happened only a few days earlier.


The word repeated itself in my head, driving me almost to madness. Without realizing it, my hand twitched up the back of my neck. It was burned, badly, during the event and you knew it was all your fault. 'I suppose that's what I get for falling in love with a demon...' I thought, sighing deeply.

Yep. I fell in love with the triangular dream demon that destroyed this town. Bill Cipher. Even the thought of the name made me blush. But... I still didn't know why. I should hate him, right? After all, I was his puppet. I was just a play toy. A body for him to use whenever he pleased. I felt a smile graze softly upon my face, as my vision blurred thanks to the tears that were threatening to spill.

'But he's dead now. I can no longer be used. I'm free. But...', I thought to myself, sighing as I let my hand drop from my neck with a small hiss. "Why do I still feel so empty? Incomplete?" I stopped walking and stood in the middle of the sidewalk, getting weird stares from other people who weren't working on construction.

[ Flashback ]

I stood there, beside my Master, Bill Ciphers, throne made of statued people. Or, at least what was left of it. The metallic and triangular tray that I usually held was now on the floor, singing to me. I stared shocked, to see who I thought was Stanford reveal himself to be Stanley as my Master stood as still as stone, with his hand out towards him. In fact, he was stone. Crying out, I quickly ran to him as the Pines family ran to Stanley. Tears spilled from my eyes as I tossed myself at the triangular statue of whom I loved. Arms wrapped around him, I dug my face uncomfortably into his cold shoulder, sobbing loudly. The Pines family gave me odd and almost sympathetic looks, but their attention was quickly pulled back to Stanley, after realizing that all of his memories were gone.

I couldn't stop crying, shaking as I sobbed. My stomach felt empty, yet as if I was going to vomit a the same time, as it felt like my heart hit a wave of loneliness and pain. I could almost hear Bill's laugh, laughing at me for crying about something so dumb as his death. But I didn't stop. I didn't stop even when the Pines family left. I didn't leave his side, or let go of his statued form, even when I was dry out of tears. I didn't even leave his side when the castle disappeared either.

So I sat there, hugging a statue in the middle of the woods, eye's red and puffy as tear stains destroyed my skin.

Eventually, I did get up. I stood in front of him, staring into his single frozen eye for what felt like forever. I grabbed his outstretched hand, getting goosebumps at the feeling of the rough stone, and the coldness of his fingers.

'Please come back' I thought. A dry laugh left my lips as I let go of his hand, walking away into town. From where he was, I bet he could see my silhouette as the last words I will ever say to him echoed across the trees.

"It's a deal."


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