[ Yuri on Ice ] Viktor X Reader - Angst

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Pft! I totally lied. This isn't going to be happier at all!
Also, by the way, slight trigger warning
[ First Person ]
[ Viktor's POV ]

They were gorgeous. The way their lips moved when they spoke or expressed any sort of emotions. The way their eye's sparkled or dulled, depending on their mood. The way their hair swayed from left to right every step they took. It amazed me!

Yes. I fell head over heels with a fan I met when I was only 15. [L/Name] [F/Name]. The name rolled of my tongue so smoothly that it was almost a second language that I was fluent in. I met them at a skate competition what felt like decades ago, when it was really only 12 years.

[ Flashback ]

I had finished my program and was making my way off the ice, my long hair swaying behind me. I couldn't help but notice a fan smiling at me. They must have been lucky, considering they got a seat right beside the pit.

I smiled back at them, waving a bit, causing them to blush and wave back. Though, I couldn't help but notice the scars peeking out from the top of their thin winter jacket. My smile fell and my brows furrowed as I attempted to focus on them, but was torn away after they adjusted their jacket, and Yakov dragged me off.

I couldn't stop thinking about the person. They had multiple horizontal scars on their wrists from what I could see, and it upset him that someone who seemed so glad to see me could be in enough pain to harm themselves.

So, at the end, I waited for this fan to come out, so I could greet them. After what felt like forever, he spotted them in the crowd and quickly ran over, tapping then on the shoulder. "Excuse me! I would like to speak with you!" They froze, turning to face me, their face red.

"Y-Yes?" They stuttered. They're voice sounded beautiful, making my heart skip a beat. "I would like to have some hot cocoa with you sometime. Is that okay?" I spoke as slowly and carefully as I could, as if I would hurt them if I was too loud.

They seemed shocked and excited, quickly nodding as quickly as they could manage, causing me to chuckle. When they opened their mouths to speak, all that came out was a gasping squeak. They blushed, before quickly walking off. 'I can't wait~' I thought.

[ Slight Timeskip ]

I learned their name was [L/Name] [F/Name] and much more. In fact, we knew enough about one another that we began to date. I realized that over time, the scars and scabs on their beautiful skin began to slowly stop appearing. I honestly thought they were feeling much better and less depressed! Until...

I picked up my ringing phone, an eyebrow raised. "Hello. This is the police. Is this Viktor Nikiforov?" I froze, shocked.

"Um... Yes. Is there something the matter?" I spoke carefully, quietly. The same way I did when I met [Y/Name].

"We just had someone report a suicide of someone named [L/Name] [F/Name]. They left a suicide note, and it had your name." I gasped quietly, quickly getting the police officer to give me their bodies address, before hanging up.

I didn't bother grabbing a coat as I ran out into the cold Russian air, running as fast as I could to find their body. Finally, I arrived and frowned even more at the sight of police officers and red and blue lights flashing. I cut through the large crowd and ducked under the police tape, making my way to their body. I was only a few feet away before I suddenly got tugged back by two police officers.

"Sir! Please, stay back behind the police tape! We're--" I tugged my arms loose, cutting him off with tears in my eyes. "I am Viktor Nikiforov! Let me see them!" My hair flew around me as I quickly walked closer.

Then I saw it. It was obvious they had jumped from a building, as their body was sprawled out. Blood surrounded the body like syrup, bones protruding out of joints as their jaw hung inhumanely wide open. They were really dead...

I was tugged back once again, by three officers this time, as their voices were blocked out by the sole shock of seeing the dead body.

"Sir! Get back!"
"Yes, hello. We have Viktor Nikiforov on the site now."
"Mr. Nikiforov! Please, stay away!"
"Just forget them, Mr. Nikiforov."

[ End Timeskip ]

Now, here I am. Crouched in front of the little stone plaque placed in front of the mount if dirt covering my past lovers body. I couldn't cry anymore. Not after 12 years worth of crying on the exact day that they died. I stood up, groaning a bit, before turning back to Yuri, my current lover. "It'll be okay, Viktor." He reassured me with a slight smile. "Their watching you." I couldn't help but smile at him words, finally seeming to find my tears.

"Yeah. Now, they can see all of my skate programs with a smile."


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⏰ Last updated: Jun 05, 2017 ⏰

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