Running with Pharoah.

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I don't know how long I've been running. Running, running, running, all night. I'm officially done with my dumbass mom alcoholic and my rapist dad. I'm done with my careless family and my bully friends. So I'm running. Away. I bought a plane ticket to America. I'll finally be gone from this hell hole. Stupid scorpions and spiders.
I only brought the essentials. My hoodies, my band shirts, my leggings, toiletries, my phone, charger, etc.
Oh yeah, and I brought my Sphinx kitten, Pharaoh. I can't leave him with my abusive family, they would kick him around so I took him too. He was the only person I loved, and he loved me back. I kept running. Finally I was there. The airport. I already had my ticket for Pharaoh and I, and my stuff fit in my carry on. I sprinted into the airport. After what felt like a million years, I was finally waiting for the plane. Pharaoh mewed in his kennel.
"You'll be okay baby" I whispered.
"I hope he does" How the he'll did he get here. My brother should be at school, skipping classes to watch porn with his gay ass friends. Why is he here?!
"What do you want Max?"

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