Chapter 21

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They spent the rest of the day walking around the mall before calling Dr. Smiley and inviting him for a fun night out in the city. Smiley gladly accepted and arranged to meet them at the mall at four o' clock. Laughing Jack was enjoying himself, but he could still feel the sadness swelling up in his heart as his mind drifted to Natalie. He missed her terribly, but didn't want to admit that he needed her back. He wanted to show her he was strong and didn't need her, but he knew he would only be lying to himself if he said he didn't want her back. He shrugged off the thoughts and walked with Masky to the mall entrance to wait for Smiley.

At four o' clock sharp, he  walked into the mall. Smiley was a good looking guy with eyes that were a light shade of red. His hair was moved to cover one side of his face but he left his mask on, covering up his mouth. He was over ninety years old but had been made immortal at the age of twenty seven. Girls swooned over him and men were jealous of him. He was muscular but not to the point where he looked like the terminator. He looked at Laughing Jack and Masky and smirked a little.

"Well," he said. "What are the plans for tonight boys?"

They got into the car and drove to wherever they wanted. They first stopped at Smiley's girlfriend's to pick her up before speeding off to the bowling ally. As they played, Smiley's girlfriend was beating them badly. Stitches was another Creepy Pasta and was one of the most beautiful girls in the Pasta world. She was loved and adored by everyone and every guy, Pasta or not, was after her. She had been Smiley's proxy and once she gained her immortality, she became his lover. No one in the Creepy Pasta world expected the doctor to win the heart of the most beautiful, and deadliest, woman in their world. She had hidden her stitches with the use of her powers and was going by the name Emily. Smiley looked at her and smiled lovingly at the girl he had loved for so long.

When they finished bowling, they went to a clothes store to get some new clothes. Stitches walked around the store looking at all the clothes and shoes. Laughing Jack, Masky, and Smiley each grabbed a new outfit, paid for them, and threw them on before going back to the mall to get something to eat. As they walked around, Stitches and Smiley walked into Hot Topic to get some new C.D.s for Smiley's collection. When they paid for the music, they rejoined Laughing Jack and Masky at the food court. As they ate their food, a guy walked over to them and looked over Stitches.

"Hey pretty lady," he said with a smirk. "What's your name?"

Stitches put down one of her french fries in disgust. "Emily. Why do you want to know?"

"I just wanted to know why a pretty thing like you is hanging around with a couple freaks and a guy with a mask on. Does he have some kind of contagious thing or something?"

Smiley looked down at the table in shame. He knew what people thought of him and being with Stitches didn't help anything. Despite being a killer like his friends, he was sensitive when people made fun of him because of the mask he wore to hid his sharp teeth. Slowly, he got up and walked away without saying a word to anyone. Stitches watched him walk away until he was lost in the crowd; tears threatened to fall from her eyes. She glared at the man standing next to her.

"How dare you talk about my friends and boyfriend like that!" she yelled. "Who the fuck do you think you are you asshole?"

The man backed away. "Look lady, I didn't know he was your boyfriend."

"It doesn't matter! Do you seriously think you'll get a date talking to a girl's friends like that? Go to hell!"

With that said, she ran off to try and find Smiley. Laughing Jack sighed and pulled out his phone to text Smiley.

Laughing Jack: Smiley where did you run off to?

Smiley: I wanna ask her to marry me. Will you help me make a romantic setting for her tonight? Send her off with Masky or something but please help me...

Laughing Jack: All you had to do was ask! I'll go get her and have Masky take my car to take her home. Do you want me to tell her to change?

Smiley: Tell her to get dressed up fancy.

Laughing Jack: Sure thing. TTYL.

Smiley: TTYL.

Laughing Jack told Masky the plan before walking with him to get Stitches. They found her sitting at the water fountain playing with the water and tears streaming down her face.

"Emily," called Masky. "Smiley told me to take you home to get changed into something fancy. He has a surprise for you."

"What kind of surprise?" she asked as she wiped away the tears.

"I can't really tell you that but I promise it will be something you'll never forget."

Stitches nodded and followed Masky to Laughing Jack's hearse before driving off to her house. She spent the next half hour looking through her clothes before deciding on the that Smiley had gotten her for her birthday. She fixed her , put on her red heels, and red heart earrings with little birds on the ends. She looked herself over and decided to fix her a little. When she was done, she walked downstairs and told Masky she was ready to go. They drove for an hour before stopping at the edge of the forest. It wasn't Slender's forest so they didn't have to worry about someone showing up unexpectedly and ruining everything. Masky led Stitches into the forest and stopped at a clearing.

"Stay here and wait for the music," instructed Masky before running off.

Before she could answer, Masky was gone. She waited for what felt like forever before she heard the sound of a piano. Taking this as a sign that this was the music, she slowly followed the sound of the music. As she did, she heard someone singing softly. To her surprise, it was Laughing Jack playing the piano and Masky singing . She saw Smiley standing there in a loose white, long sleeved, shirt. She smiled and walked over to Smiley who stood near the edge of a waterfall.

"Smiley," she said with a smile. "What's all this?"

Smiley held out his hand, when she took it he spoke. "I don't care what people think of our love anymore. You love me, I love you, so what does it matter what they think? I want to be with you for the rest of our immortal lives. Stitches, Emily Moore, will you do me the honor of becoming my wife?"

Stitches watched Smiley bend down on one knee and pull out a small black box. When he opened the box, he revealed a beautiful . Stitches could feel the tears run down her cheeks; speechless she nodded yes before jumping into Smiley's arms. Smiley held her tightly, pulled back a little, and slipped the ring on her finger.

"Smiley," she said in a whisper. "I love you so very much."

Smiley kissed her head and held her close. "I love you as well, Emily."

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