fifty nine;

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"what do you mean you told her to leave!?" alex yells at me on the phone the next morning.

a sigh leaves my lips, "i was drunk, alex! get that through your head! i didn't want her to go!"

"i'm laughing at you, i hope you know that. you let my sister go, you told her to go! your kids are gone with her, too. good luck getting her stubborn ass back." she tells me, rubbing it in my face that i'm a failure.

after a few moments, i gather my thoughts, "what do i do, alex?"

"you know my sister, jack. obviously not enough to know that you probably won't get her back, but you owe her a heartfelt apology. like a real one. this time though, you have to do what you promise her. don't tell her something and not own up to what you run your mouth saying." she tells me, "you hurt her, jack. and you have three boys who are probably pissed at you."

sammy, nate and johnson... shit.

"how do you know they know?" i ask.

"i called them once she called me balling her eyes in pain and complete despair." alex informs me.

my heart shattered when hearing that, more than it did when i woke up this morning and realized she was gone and it wasn't a nightmare.

suddenly i rushed to tell alex i would call her back when four people stood in front of me.

sammy, nate, johnson and isabelle.

"don't talk to me, jack." isabelle bitterly says, her face swollen a little.

i struggle for words, as she walks upstairs.

"what the fuck is wrong with you!?" johnson yells at me.

nate nods, "what the fuck did i tell you when you asked her out, jack? i told you to take care of her and not to hurt her like i did! you hurt her once, more than i hurt her, and now you physically hurt her too!? what the fuck!"

"i was drunk, okay!? i know i fucked up again, it's obvious! you don't have to come into my home and rub it in my face."

sammy laughs bitterly, "oh but we do. you hurt her bad, jack."

"more than ever before." she suddenly speaks from behind me, "i wouldn't have been as hurt if you just yelled at me and called me more names, other than whore. but slapping me, jack? really? i never saw you as an abusive person. this is next level, jack, and i'm not going to forgive you."

my eyes beg for forgiveness, "can we just talk?"

"maybe in a few weeks, definitely not right now." she breaths heavily.

the three boys help her with her things in her arms, her and i alone in the house.

"bye, jack." she bitterly speaks, walking out and leaving the house key in the foyer.

she was gone.

i deserve it, i know i do. but the fact that she is really gone, it makes everything so much more real.

what bothers me the most, is that she's gorgeous and has three of my best friends with her. one being her ex, and the other two who probably would get in her pants as well.

> >


johnson made me stay with him, which was too nice and made me feel all too bad.

"morning isabelle." he yawns, astonished by the fact that there was coffee made for him, "coffee?"

a chuckle leaves my lips, "have some."

"don't mind if i do!" he happily coos, "where's ivy and james?"

"sammy and nate came by to pick them up, they wanted to have an uncle's day with them." i informed him, his face turns to a frown.

i quickly try to backtrack, "i mean, you can take them out one day, too?"

"it's okay, i know they're just jealous i'm the favourite uncle." he stirs his coffee, "how you holdin' up?"

as i watch him walk over, i shrug, "it's different. i miss him so much, but there's nothing i can do. he's broken my trust more than once before, i guess it's just a rude awakening."

"don't tell me you might go back?" he states, more of a question form though.

a sigh leaves my lips, "i don't know, johnson. he's the father of my kids. i love him, i almost always have. life wouldn't be the same, but there would always be this shadow of the past behind him."

"he's my best friend, so i know i should defend him, but he doesn't deserve you." he sips his coffee.

"don't remind me." i joke, "i'm just confused."

he nods, "i would be too."

"what do you think i should do?" i ask.

johnson shrugs, "i wouldn't give him the time of day, if i were you. but with you being the way you are, you should talk to him. not yet! but sometime soon, you should. he might have a reasonable explanation."

"thanks, johnson." i smile, standing up, "i'm going to go out for a drive. i'll see you later."

i grab my phone and keys, walking out of johnson's house.

his - j.gDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora