sixty three;

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today already seemed like a mess, not gonna lie.

i woke up, isabelle wasn't here. i guess she was at work or dropping the kids off at daycare.

instead of getting up, i made a decision of staying in bed and relaxing until my wife returned home.

my phone buzzed on the bedside table, so i rolled over in annoyance to see who it was. isabelle.

- morning babe
- i just dropped kids off @ the daycare, do u want coffee or anything?

a smile appeared on my face due to how loving of a wife she is.

- morning babygirl
- if you stop & get yourself a coffee then i'll have the same, if not i'll have one here
- love you drive safe

when i set my phone down on the bed, i begin to stretch, preparing to get up for my day.

fifteen minutes or so have gone by, and isabelle just stepped through the front door with two coffees in hand.

"hey baby." i smile at her, taking the coffees that were placed in a tray out of her hands, kissing her forehead.

she smiles up at me sweetly, "how was your morning?"

"is it cheesy to say it just got better seeing your perfect face?" i asked, her smile widening and a giggle escaping her full lips.

playfully, she hits my arm, "be quiet. but it's sweet that you say that, babe."

"come on, i want to relax with you in my arms." i say, taking her hand and guiding her with me to the couch. i passed her, her coffee and set the tray down on the table in front of us.

she nuzzled herself in my side, as one of my arms were draped lazily around her neck.

"i missed these kind of moments." she suddenly blurted, looking straight ahead at the tv.

my eyebrows furrowed, quite confused as to why she'd bring something so random up, "what do you mean?"

"everything used to be so simple, so easy. i missed that, and now it's like we're teens again. almost as if nothing else matters except what's happening here and now." she speaks, my eyes reverting back and forth between her eyes and lips.

a sigh left my lips, knowing what she's saying is right, "i know what you mean. when you had james, my whole life kind of just, flashed before my eyes. when we got married, everything was set in place, yeah, but all of our teenage memories weren't as young as we were anymore."

we both looked at each other, our eyes doing most of the talking.


i hum in response.

"do you ever regret our past?" she suddenly asks, causing my eyes to quickly widen.

she looked worried, as if she thinks i did.

"i don't regret any of it, honestly. i know i hurt you, and i hate myself for it, but what if what happened between us didn't happen? we may have been unhappy and bored with portraying this perfect marriage. now we're strong as ever, and that is one of the things i know wouldn't have been real if i didn't mess up." i admit.

isabelle nods, "yeah. i guess you're right."

"it's not that i'm glad i hurt you, isabelle. no way did i ever want that to happen. but because it did, i think it made us a hell of a lot more happy and strong." i explain my thoughts.

she once again nods.

"are you okay?" i ask, realizing her mood drastically shifted.

isabelle moves to look eye-to-eye with me, "i love you, jack."

"i love you more."

she laughs, "not possible."

it is possible... it's actually certain, but i'll let her win.

his - j.gOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora