7 - Video Transcript

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Video Transcript / Secret Tumbles and Midnight Snacks / Glowphone /YouTube / June 12

Guys, I have totally underestimated the power of y'all. Yes, I have a private tumblr, I wouldn't have mentioned it if I knew you guys would turn finding it into your day job. *laughs* No need for a witch hunt. By the way, it's really dark. God, it's dark. *laughs* It's always dark, I'm just in my kitchen right now instead of my room. I'm eating cheese in the dark. If you've ever watched me at all you should know I love cheese. It's uh...two a.m. right now, thankfully a weekend. That's why I'm being a bit quiet. Honestly, if I had to pick three things I can't live without, if probably say cheese, music, and my channel. Then again, tumblr. I love so many of the tumblr people. You should all follow january56, fluffer.nugget, and kates-freakin-baskets. Those are a few of my faves. Lord knows I couldn't survive without my fave poems. I'll link them down below, they're gold. The last one's, uh, Katie Lugrinski's tumblr. I'm not sure if any of you watch her, I know we kinda have different styles, or whatever. But check out her poems, they're great. Sorry guys, this episode's gonna be a shorter one, sorry I didn't talk about much. But next week's will be much longer, I swear. 'Till next time, lovelies.

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