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I sat on the corner of the empty street. The lamp posts weren't lit, and the only sounds that could be heard were car honks in the distance.

The summer was ending, and the cold seasons were coming. A cold gust of wind passed me, making me snuggle more into my thin blanket. Sure, I wasn't rich. But I think I'd rather be a rat than to live in the bustling city.

A car's engine could be heard, and it seemed less than a few meters away. People. No one in these parts owned a car, so that means someone from the city was here. I wonder why? Nobody from the city comes here, unless it's important business. Like to kill someone, harass a homeless person, or someone important is missing.

I looked up from my corner, to see a sleek black car pass my alleyway. My eyes widened at the sight of something that definitely never comes in these parts. The royal crest.

Oh no. I kept my eyes on the vehicle, which was going in a very slow speed.
I lowered my head, as much as possible to hide my golden blonde hair that hung just above my eyes..

And it passed.

I let out my breath, that I hadn't realized I was holding, then loosened up. Well that was eventful. I thought, comparing what had just happened to the past days.

And just when I thought I was safe, a man's voice could be heard in the distance. "It was him! "

And whoever he means as "him", is probably not a good sign for me. I felt my body stiffen at his words, then I began hearing heavy footsteps on the pavement. Towards me. A thought suggested, but I quickly dismissed the though shaking my head.

I stood with a wobble, because the cold quickly bit my thin legs. My hands instinctively grabbed my sack, then I quickly began stuffing my blankets into it. "Prince! " The same man's voice yelled from behind me. They're at the alley's entrance. I gulped, then slowly turned around to see a man looking at me.

My eyes flashed with disbelief, then I dropped my bag to dash deeper into the alley. "Prince, wait! " The man yelled again, probably surprised by my suddenly move to escape. A noble. Was all that filled my head. Why the heck is there a noble here!?
"Prince, don't run! " He called after me. But I continued to run deeper into the dark space.

Other men began to fill the alleyway, running after me. What did I do?  But before I could continue to ponder on the thought, I felt my right foot get caught on a piece of stone. Damn. And then I fell, landing on my hands and face.

"We have the prince! "

Was all I heard as flashlights came into my vision and I slipped into unconsciousness..

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 05, 2018 ⏰

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