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December 13

10:34 am

Wyatt pov

It was just starting to be a good day until my cousin Neicy called me crying about her parents missing, I thought me and my friends was go have a fun trip to Cancun until this bullshit happen.

I link up with my friends and tell them that I can't go and they're begging me to go but I have a family emergency I need to attend to and call my parents to give them the bad news but no answer.

Rose: What exactly happen to her parents?

Me: She said that they was walking from the movies and a group of people jump out on them an attack em and grab her parents

Logan: Seems a bit strange don't you think?

Erin: To me it seem like she... idk

Me: What Erin?

Erin: Idk abnormal, ok put it like this do her parents have any problems with them people that they live around?

Me: Not to my knowing, but my Uncle and Aunt are nice I don't see who would have a problem with them

Russell: Well let's just go see what's happening! It's not we have anything to do for a week. Where they stay?

Me: Cloverfield​

Kat: Like Cloverfield in Texas???

Me: Yeah why?

Kat: I heard stories about that place

Dwayne: Which you mean by stories Kat?

Rose: Yeah Kat like what?

Kat: Ok when I was younger my mom well tell me a story when I was bad to give me nightmares about that town. That people well come up missing if they fuck with the wrong people basically like. When our parents was young, there was a man name Earl Saunders  he tormented and killed people who didn't agree upon what he wanted and they go missing and never come back.

Erin: I don't like the sound of that

Me: well this my family so y'all don't have to go if y'all don't *I said angry*

Rose: But we are family so we going right Erin

Erin: Yes Rose, Sorry Wyatt wasnt being selfish but it's risky

I tune them out just to get a clear head and walk off just to breathe. I don't know what if Kat was saying is true but I need to find out and I keep trying call my parents but no answer so I guess Issa rode trip to Cloverfield until then. I tried to call Neicy back but the dial tone didn't pick up and it's a mysterious letter that was sent to me by my cousin saying

Wyatt I'm in need of help my parents are missing and I can't find them anywhere. Their is no service here to call you back but here's my address 9870 Richville Rd Cloverfield, Texas please come and help me I'm scared you are the only person I can reach.

I dont know what to do me and my cousin never seen eye to eye but she family so I'mma help. Me and the gang pack our stuff up and we head on the rode first to my parents house just to see why they not answering.

Been five hours now and we finally arrive to my parents house just to see my parents front door has been kick down and I see blood EVERYWHERE! I'm scared and shaking in my skin cause what if my parents dead. Me, Logan and Dwayne walks in the house and the girls stand outside to call the police and wait for them.

Me, Logan and Dwayne walk around my parents house and we found my father cover in his own blood and I'm just bawling crying cause what else is there for me to do? Logan stayed with me to cover my father up and Rose ran in and seen me crying she walk around the house with Dwayne to find my mother. Dwayne and Rose get upstairs and find my mother nothing my mother is gone. They rammed downstairs and tell me and the police walk in and ask who lives here I answered me Officer. The officer recognize me and called the corner in to take my father body away.

Officer: Wyatt what happen?

Me: I called my parents for hours now and nobody answered so me and my friends drove five hours to get here just to see my father dead and my mother idk where she is

Officer: So your mother not here but father dead

Me: WHAT THE FUCK YOU TRYING SAY?? That my mother did it

Officer: No bu..

Me: But she didn't! Now if you dont mind and go do your damn job and find out what happen to my mother and father

Kat: Wyatt let him..

Rose: Not now Kat

Me: What Kat? Let him do what?? His job? Well his job is not to accuse my mother isn't it! Can we just leave?

Logan: Is that all officer?

Officer: Yeah just take my card and...

Me: I won't call you

After that I walk off and Rose grab the card. We got in the car and drove and thee entire whole ride I was quiet ASF cause what can I say? My mother is missing and my father is dead. Nothing to say just wanna get to my cousin and figure everything out.

I look down at my phone a see a text message from my mother. I didn't bother to read it I called and called and called she wasn't picking up for me. I'm getting really FRUSTRATED! with her. The text message than said:

My dear son, I did not kill you father but somebody else did, Can't say much but just know I'm doing everything in my power to hunt them down and kill them. The police are looking for me so do not I repeat DO NOT SHOW ANYBODY THIS!! You and your cousin Neicy may be my only help ,Love you Mom

I'm​ at a breaking point right now and don't know what to do?? I wanna show my friends this text but mother told me not too. Hopefully by the time we reach Cloverfield everything would be a breeze and not what Kat said.

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