MiCaH cHaN dOeS gAy!

12 3 8

Let me just tell you about my meme self.

1. I'm a magical trans boy
2. Panromantic (I mean come on, have you seen those cast iron skillets. *Nervously sweating*)
3. I'm asexual (Who doesn't find the letter A sexy? *Cringeeee*)
4. I'm Batman (Miles is not Batman. He's delusional.)
5. I am crushing mega hard  (Like my metaphorical dick)
6. Anime and manga are my reason to wake up each day (Especially yaoi *WiNk WoNk*)
7. DoEs JuMiN hAn Is GaY?!?!
8. I sold my soul to Mystic Messenger
9. Cosplay is a hobby of mine (Marah inspired me to start. @ pasteltheghost on Musical.ly)
10. Supernatural is pretty great.
11. If I hear Jacob Sartorious's Sweatshirt one more time imma strangle the next 13 year old boy I see
12. Insomnia is (not) lit
13. I'm triggered by rape jokes and people making jokes about mental illnesses (I have my reasons)
14. Homestuck is my life (Davekat, Davejohn, Solkat, Dirkroxy, Dirkjake, Rosemary, Johnkat) <<<Best ships
15. If you look at my reading list, you will see most of my OTP's.
16. I'm a complete meme.

That's honestly all I could think of, so yea.... *wInK wOnK*

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