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I felt him before I saw him. Is that even possible I thought to myself.
I felt nervous all of a sudden never before has anyone had this kind of affect on me but when it comes to him it's like my body has a mind of its own. It respond to his every touch,every stare,every kiss like it has been starving.. Just for him, only for him. He was lookin as handsome as ever a little stubble added on to his sexiness. He walked in his armani suit with the authority like no one.
I saw him stop in his tracks as soon as he saw me a hundred emotions flashed on his face shock, pain, desire or maybe its just my mind playing tricks love is not meant for someone like me.It's pathetic and fake most of the time.
He walked towards me..took my hand in his and kissed it.
"Hello" I said
He looked me in the eye "I missed you my love" he said
Once again I was lost in his beautiful green eyes I don't know how long I kept standing there my hand in his, lost in his eyes but a sudden clearing of throat brought me back from my trance. I turned around and saw Jay looking at me with raised eyebrows
"Do you guys know each other?" He asked
we both replied at the same time.
Giving Jordan a one last look I quickly replied "We just met back in ..,...... when I visited there we stayed in the ............ "Right professor" I said looking at Jordan.
And I walked out with tears threatening to fall any minute but I cannot show any weakness here I have to be strong. I cannot act like the stupid Cassandra he met before. A sigh escaped my mouth and I thought...the world cannot be that cruel.

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