i ~Giving Birth~

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Natasha POV

I woke up when I heard my alarm going off, I looked at the time and saw that it was 8 in the morning...I am normally supose to be woken up at 10 for my next mission.

'Black Widow, report to the lab in 10 minutes.'

I sigh and put on my usual clothes brushing my hair too. I put my knifes and guns in their holders and went out of the door, walking to the lab. I saw scientists and doctors gathering around with the docters and nurses setting things up. I walked in and saw the scientists smirk,

"Please, Black Widow. Lay down." One of them said which i now know as Wyoming.

I simply nodded and laid down, they strapped my wrists and ankles. The doctors grabbing a machine and putting cables on me, scientists getting a needle with a maroon colour. Nurses with a...pregnany test? My thoughts were stopped when I felt a burning pain going from my arm to my tummy, I screamed out in pain shifting uncontrollably. (Dont mind the bold!~)

9 Months Later...

"AHHH!!" I screamed in pain as I breathed heavily and pushing the stupid baby out.

It was the worst pain I have ever felt, and a gun is on that list too! I gave out one last push and then started to hear crying, I felt a love for the little girl flow into my heart.

"It's a girl!" The nurse said giving me the baby to see.

She had dark gold eyes and light peach skin. She started to giggle.

"What will you name her Black Widow?" I heard The Boss say.

"Kishala, Kishala Romana Romanoff" I said swayibg my baby side to side and her giggling and yawn warming my heart.

"You have 4 years to stay with her." The Boss said

"Thank you..." I mumbled looking at Kishala with a motherly smile.

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