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Gold hummed to himself as he slowly flipped through the pages of a comic book. The 18 year old had saved enough money to buy a small, one story house for himself a few months ago and furnished it with lightly worn and comfy furniture from a secondhand store. One of these pieces was the couch he was currently sitting on as he read. Nothing really matched yet, but it was home.
The amber eyed teen glanced at the time displayed under the TV to see that it was already nearing midnight. With a sigh he placed his opened book on the dark wooden coffee table and rose from his seat with a yawn. Making his way down the short hallway off of the kitchen Gold reached his bedroom. He changed into a pair of boxers and pulled on an oversized t-shirt, ready to head to bed until he heard a desperate sounding knock at the door. Back down the hallway the boy went and as he reached the door he cautiously turned the knob.

"Silver? Holy hell, what happened to you?! Come here and do not leave the couch, okay?"

Silver's hair was heavily knotted, his body looked weak and depleted of energy, mud was caked around his pant legs, and small patches of blood were seeping through various parts of his clothing. Gold took this all in within seconds and hurriedly half-carried the red headed male to the large tartan patterned couch he'd been sitting on minutes prior. Silver winced in pain and shivered from the frigid air he'd been out in for who knows how long. Not worried about anything getting dirty Gold grabbed a blanket and draped it over his hurting friend's body.

"Why in the name of Arceus are you out so late? I'm getting you painkillers and water. I can heat up some leftover noodles if you'd like too."

Silver nodded weakly and snuggled up tighter in the blanket, scrunching his eyes up in pain. The slightly younger boy grabbed a remote from the coffee table and flipped through the channels for a minute until he found what he was looking for. A saved episode of Silver's favorite - Proteam Omega. Dashing off to the kitchen he opened the fridge and dumped the noodles onto a plate. Gold tossed it into the microwave before grabbing two Advil pills from a bottle on the counter and filling a glass with water. He walked back with the last two items and knelt beside the couch.

"Open your mouth," he directed.
"S-stop, I c-can do it-"
"No! Silv, I know! I know you hate letting anyone help you with anything! Can you give it up just this once, please? You're freezing and in pain and I just want to help you this one goddamn time!" snarled the ravenette. Silver was in no shape to fight back like he normally would so he gave in with a small, pained whimper and parted his lips to the best of his ability. He felt two pills meet his tongue and a warm hand meet his cheek. Gold would've teased the redhead about his admittedly cute blush due to the contact but even the Breeder knew now was not the time. His hand which was rested against Silver's cheek gently tilted the boy's head back to pour some of the water into his open mouth. Swallowing the painkillers quickly, Silver turned his head away in embarrassment. He shifted his gaze to the TV as Gold turned back to the kitchen to finish up with the noodles.

"Alright, this is gonna be hot so I'm going to let it sit for a minute. In the meantime you can tell me why the hell you're in this shape and how you ended up at my door this late."

"I-I left home to get away for a while. Just walked around the streets. Eventually I was so numb from the cold and so lost in thought that I d-didn't see a motorcycle coming up the road. He couldn't see me either," Silver said, cringing at the pain and embarrassment. Pity for himself was something he hated more than anything in the world, but at that moment the 19 year old allowed himself to indulge in Gold's comfort.
"Silv, you're an idiot. I'm glad you came here, but come here first next time okay? Before you get hit by a driver? I'm supposed to be the stupid one, not you," the dark haired male said with a soft laugh.
"Family problems I'm assuming?" Silver nodded. It wasn't a secret that he didn't get along with his criminal mastermind of a father. Gold offered the redhead a sad smile before picking up the bowl and dumping a small spoonful of noodles into his mouth for him. He had to have broken a few bones and the painkillers definitely wouldn't be able to help a whole lot.

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