Trible attack

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One day Jeff was walking through the forest of mocossion breath (were he saw an elf boy wearing tighty pants. No that is a joke for people who can't tell). Jeff was walking around listening to the bird song when he hit something round and fluffy that made a cooing sound. Jeff looked down and saw to his horror,va trible. Jeff gasped and ran away screaming and flailing his arms about but, when he tried to get away one trillion tribles attacked him and tried to eat Jeff. Jeff grabbed as many tribles as he could and started to throw them to the ground and tried to stamp on them. The red blood from Jeff and the purple from the tribles flew every. But no matter how hard Jeff tried he was eaten. Because he was eaten it gave the tribles the strength to have 10000 more babies and it take 10 seconds to grow to maturity and then the tribles all went towards the city to eat everyone and once the trible army is big enough and they have a translator, the tribles will take over the world. The tribles wanted to create the trible empire.

The trouble with triblesTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon