Enterprise decided to help but fail misserably

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The tribbles made their way to the the city. They were hungry for human flesh and going to eat all humans in the country. But starfleet of the year 2266 have other ideas.

Meanwhile in orbit above earth

"Captains log supplemental.
We are in orbit above earth in the year 2017. Are mission, prevent the mutated tribbles that have become rabid and appeared on earth from unknown reasons, from eating everything.

Kirk, Scotty, McCoy, Spock and some red shirts were in the transporter room, ready to beam down to New York and stop some evil tribbles. They all stepped into the transporter. "Energise" said Kirk as the ensign activated the transporter beaming them into the edge of the city. Spock took out his tricorder and started to scan. "There is 100000000000 life signs in this city" said Spock. "Bones find out if any of those life signs are mutated if they are assume they're a tribble. Spock, scotty, red shirts come with me and set phasers to kill" said Kirk dramatically taking out his phaser. They were scouting the area for about half an hour when they returned to McCoy. "Well bones did you find anything" asked Kirk. "God dam it Jim I'm a doctor not a tribble tracker. Why'd you even assigned me to this task in the first place, what did you expect me to fined". Kirk got a message on his communicater. "Captain, we need you on the bridge immediately" said sulu. "Everyone except the red shirts, we need to get back on the ship" "what about us" asked the red shirts. "Oh you just scout the area, you'll probably all be dead by the time we get back" said Kirk, as he and everyone expected the red shirts got beamed up.

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