Chapter 1

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Jins p.o.v

I was curled up in a ball on my bed as I heard my parents yell at each other
"YOU SHOULD HAVE ABORTED HIM" I heard my father yell at my mom
"How can you say that HE IS YOUR SON!" my mom screamed
"Don't scream at ME" my dad yelled
That's when I heard a loud smack
I ran to the leaving room that's when I saw my mom holding her cheek
I was angry really angry
"I know you're here Jin I heard your footsteps" he said while looking at mom "Fuck you" I said and he looked at my direction he satrted walking my way I moved silently to the kitchen where are the knifes? I opened the first cabinet door and there they were
I walked back to where he was
"For twenty years I've stand all your abuse but no more, I DIDN'T ASK TO BE THIS WAY WHY ARE YOU LIKE THIS TO ME!" I yelled at the top of my lungs
"Simple you are a mistake because of you we are the weird family in this neighborhood BECAUSE OF YOU,
ALL I WANTED WAS I NORMAL CHILD BUT ALL YOU ARE IS DISGRACE FOR THIS FAMILY" he screamed back I through the knife at him but the knife didn't hit him "WHAT THE FUCK DO YOU THINK YOU'RE DOING!?!" he screamed louder this time"JIN" I heard my beautiful mother yell my name I walked to her she is the one that can only see me as far as I know
The thing is that I'm invisible only people who I truly trust can see me, I reveal myself to them
"I'm going for a walk and when I come back I DON'T WANT YOU HERE" said my dad as he walked out of the house
I ran to my moms way and hugged her
"I can't take it anymore mom I'm sorry but I can't" I whispered as I fell on my knees
"Jin what I'm going to tell you won't be easy but I need you to leave" she said tears started to fall from her eyes
"What, no why would you want me to leave?" I said breaking the hug and lookibg into her eyes "Belive me I don't want you to leave but you have to go, I'll give you an address and you'll go over there okay?" She said while looking for a piece of paper and a pen " No, I'm not going to leave you here" as soon as I said that she stopped her track "Oh, you'll come back" she said while giggling
I gave her a confuse look "What?" I asked "Just do as I say please" she said walking close to me she had teary eyes "You'll get hurt,you'll be loved, no matter what happens,please be strong...I love you"she said giving me the piece of paper.
I nodded running upstairs, I got a bag and got some clothes and personal stuff
I feel like I'm forgetting something...... Oh! My paints
When I go out in public I always use them so people can see me since I don't trust them.
I got some trust issues
I got them and quickly ran down stairs " Who is the person I'm going to?" I asked and she slowly looked at me

"NamJoon....Kim NamJoon"

Firts chapter,I hope you guys like it, I kniw I'm not good at writing but I try.


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