Chapter 2

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There I stood, vulnerable and ashamed. From this moment on, my entire demeanor would be shifted.

"Do you know why you are here Miss Hudson?" He asked, glaring at me with disapproving eyes.

"Not really," I muttered with an unchanging expression of shame.

"Young lady you are in enough trouble as it is. Don't make it worse by talking to me like this."

I could tell that he had not called me in for a calm and happy chat about my grades, or scholarship opportunity.

"Why don't you take a seat."

I made my way over to the blue faux leather chair in front of his unorganized desk, My head hung low. I lowered myself temperature slowly to avoid any obnoxious squeaking.

"Are you familiar with the school dress code?" He said in a serious tone.

To be honest, I wasn't. They always make you sign a paper at the beginning of the school year that says you read the school handbook, but nobody actually reads it.

"Yes," I lied. I said it so quiet barely hear myself.

"Then you are aware that your outfit is highly inappropriate," he commanded.

I did a quick quick once over of my outfit. It was still summer, it was 94° outside. I was wearing Jean shorts that were in no way inappropriate in my opinion. They covered my butt and they were a few inches above mid thigh length. Before this moment I had never felt uncomfortable wearing the shorts.

My shirt. My brand-new shirt that made me feel like I had the whole world in palm of my hand. It's Cap sleeves exposed my collarbone, and there was not a plunging neck line but it was in no way modest. This shirt has made me feel so good just days before, minutes before. Suddenly I felt exposed, naked. I felt like I needed to hide my body.

I remained quiet in the face of his backhanded comment.

"Young lady, you should be ashamed," he hissed, glaring at me with judgment in his eyes.

With that single statement, I realized what was going on here. I had come to school, wearing an outfit that made me feel good. I walked the hallways, often filled with judgment from peers, like I own the place. Then all of a sudden a middle-aged man calls me out in front of my classmates and tells me that I should be ashamed. This man took one look at my body and decided it was not suitable to be showcased. I was a young, impressionable girl, and he told me that I should be ashamed about the way that I look. Aren't adults supposed to tell you that you should love you are and not let anybody tell you that you're less than perfect? I always thought that it was the adult's job to tell you that the harsh things the other kids say behind your back aren't true. Instead, he confirmed any doubt that I may have had about my body being beautiful.

I remain silent.

Principal Kingsly reached under his desk, never taking his eyes off me. He pulled out a large football sweatshirt from the previous year.

"You will wear this for the rest of the day to cover yourself up," he sneered. He tossed the sweatshirt at me with a pure look of disgust on his face.

"Since this is your first offense, there will not be any further punishment. But if I ever catch you dressing inappropriately again, you can expect a detention."

"But it's 95° outside," I exclaimed.

"This is what happens when you break the rules, you have to face the consequences."

Without a word I put on a sweatshirt and stormed out of his office. I was fuming. Just minutes before, I walked this hallway with confidence. But now I walked with shame to my first class.

Ok! I hope you guys liked this chapter! In the next chapter you will get to meet Eliza and Kaylee, and they have very strong opinions on the treating of their friend.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 05, 2017 ⏰

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