chapter 15

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When we got to my house, we talked for hours. I told him about my little brother, my dad, the clouds, texas, my childhood.  But now its time to tell him what happened with Grayson Dolan.

"okay, i saved this one for the last" i say. And he nods his head and breaths out.

"so, Jc was having this big party cause he had just moved into a huge house with Kian. He invited me. There was a lot of viners, youtubers, and social media people. It was lots of fun. I was only 16. I had just turned 16. I was hanging with the Dolan Twins since they were the same age as me. There was drinks, and i didn't want to be a party pooper. So i drank. A lot. I was dancing and then Grayson told me to come upstairs with him. I was so drunk and unaware of my surroundings. He took me upstairs and..." I said until Emilo cuts me off.

"you had sex with Grayson Dolan" Emilio says with a croak in his voice and his eyes droopy. "you need to let me finish" i say feeling that feeling in your throat when you want to cry. "i was the most innocent girl at that party. I had never even kissed a boy before.

"he persuaded me, that everything would be okay, I was just desperate, and felt special that someone like him was talking to me. I told him yes, but in the back of my head there was a blinking light crying. I let him do things to me, and touch me in places" I continued.

"were you raped?"he says with a tear rolling down his cheek. i took a breath out.  "i told him yes, but i was too drunk to control my thoughts or make him stop. He didnt do vaginal sex. But he did do other things. I didnt want that"I said. "so you're technically a virgin still" He says. "yes, technically"i say.

"he was just as drunk as i was. He said he regrets everything. I was crying  for weeks. I couldnt get over it. I wasn't ready, i was so innocent. I feel ashamed and embarrassed. I wish it wouldve been with someone who i loved and when i was ready. Ive never told anyone. i was scared people would think i was a whore. Now im scared that you feel that way about me. That isn't me. I'm not like that" I said.

"Elaina, i dont view you any differently. I just dont know what to say. I'm glad you told me this, i bet it was hard for you to admit" he says. "wow i wasn't expecting that. I thought you would be disgusted and never want to talk to me ever" i say.

"i would never do that to you. Elaina this might sound crazy, you don't have to say this back, i dont expect you too. And i'm saying this because you taught me not to be afraid to speak my mind. But, i love you. Friends are aloud to say that right? You are my bestfriend, I love you.

"I'm so glad you feel that way, im just not ready" i say. "no Elaina, its okay, really. I know its a lot, i dont need you to say it back. I'm not pressuring you." he reasures me. "that was the only time ive ever done it. I wish it never happened" i say.

"That is in the past, you dont need to look back anymore. You'll always be safe with me" he says. "you're amazing, you know that. I'm  so glad i found you. I hope you know that. And i truly do mean it." I say looking into his gorgeous seducing blue eyes.

"when you look into my eyes, i feel like you're looking into my soul and seducing me" he says. "Are you serious? Your eyes are the seducing ones. I mean look how cool and blue they are. I can stare at the details of your eyes all day. "i say going up to his eye and looking at the color.

He gave me a peck on the lips. "hey, im trying to look at your eyes. People with blue eyes are so beautiful. I used to think people with colored eyes were aliens and that they saw everything blue" I say looking at every detail of his eye. I felt like a scientist.

"I'm starting to think you only like me because of my eyes" he says raising an eyebrow. "maybe just a little" i say jokingly.


OMG GUYS. THANK YOU ALL SO MUCH FOR 1.3k READS! It feels so god to know people like my stories. I  cant say thank you enough. Thank you for voting, commenting, adding it to you library. When i get those notifs i get so happy. Makes my day so much better. Dont be afraid to comment! I always like seeing your comments <3

Love, Gizzelle

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