How it all started

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I found myself one cool spring morning bored out of my mind.

What to do? I wondered.

I walked to the far corner of the room where I'd left my phone the previous night. Surely I could make plans with someone or something!

I mindlessly tapped in my 4-digit password and checked my messages. My best friend texted me at some point in the night to tell me about how a hot senior from our school snapped her. I answered with an excited reply and of course a mindful warning. (He was kinda a horn dog and she's my bff).

I proceeded to send out my good morning streaks and watched all of my stories. Still bored, I decided to check out the cosmopolitan magazine that snap offers.

I clicked through most of the articles and read a few, finally I stumbled across one titled " Itook cold showers every night for a month and here's what happened."

Curiosity courses through me and I swiped up to see what it said.

The article talked about all of the health benefits, which I'll get to in the following chapter, and how hard it was at first to get used to.

That night I decided to give it a shot. I did my quick 20 minute workout and hopped into the shower.

At first I wanted to turn the water all the way up but the health and beauty being it's lurking in my mind reminded me to just give freezing cold showers a try.

Of course at first I jumped straight out of the steady stream of water, but slowly I inched my way back under and proceeded to shower.

The shower was pretty miserable to be honest. But the feeling of warmth when I stepped out of the curtain was very welcoming. That definitely made it worth it for me.

I wrapped my body in a towel and it felt warm, just my sleep clothes made me cozy.

I crawled into bed with a refreshed, content feeling. This would definitely be something I'd have to keep up I thought as I drifted off to sleep.

After that, I continued to take freezing cold showers every single night. And know I love it! The cold doesn't even put me in temporary shock anymore.

I would definitely recommend it to anyone!!

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