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"Vitrubius, wake up!" Vitrubius is woken up by his mother, although he was exhausted and worn out, he had no other choice. "Son, you know that since your father died, you are responsible of these lands." "Yes mother, I am aware, but you must know father didn't died nat-" His mother quickly interupted him saying. "Don't you have things to do?" He answered "Sure, fine." He stepped outside his home, with his father's armor on, and his sword saying to himself "I shall venge you my father."
As he walks to Cheydinhal, which was only a few meters away, a Cheydinhal Guard approaches him. "Hello there lord Aligerus, how is your day so far? I am also very ​sorry for the loss." Vitrubius answers: "It's fine, I have just came here to deal with my father's businesses​." The guard answers: "Oh well then, good day", the guard walks away as Vitrubius walks torwards a local tavern and meets up with a bounty hunter. "So you are the one I was to meet with?" The bounty hunter says in a shodowy voice. Vitrubius answers: "I need clues on the Potentate's assassin".
The bounty hunter laughs saying "you are really dumb, the crime was done perfectly, no clue was found at all jn the murder scene." Vitrubius answers "you are completely useless then, I expected something, better." Vitrubius starts walking out when the bounty hunter says "Wait! I know who was involved." Vitrubius suddenly stops, he stares at the bounty hunter saying "Who!?" The bounty hunter with a grin answers "the dark brotherhood." Vitrubius's face starts to pale along with a cold sweat. "No way, so, they could have done something to my father as well?" The bounty hunter answers "sure I guess, although one thing, his corpse has not been found at all." Vitrubius answers shocked "But then-." The bounty hunter interupts him "you see, your father can be alive."
"I doubt it" answers Vitrubius. The bounty hunter removes her hood and reveals to be a female dunmer. "My name is Miaran, and I will help you out, for free." "What do you mean by, "for free"?" answers Vitrubius. Miaran says in a smirk "you know I live as a bounty hunter, right." Vitrubius answers "I am fully aware of that, now let's​ get going." Vitrubius and Miaran step outside the tavern and set off.
"What now?" Vitrubius answers to her "We must go to the Imperial City, but first I want to go home, I want my mother to not worry about me." Miaran laughs "you still live with your mother?" Vitrubius replies "It has been 16 years since I have arrived into this world, I was born in the 15th of Evening Star 2E 414." "What a wonderful date to be born in, you see, we elves live quite longer, I was born in the 24th of Rain's Hand 2E 400, if I was to count my lifespan to your's, I would be exactly... your same age." Vitrubius says "that is great, at least now I do not feel like I am with some stranger, oh well, let's keep moving." Vitrubius and Miaran arrive at his mother's house. Claudia, Vitrubius's mother, greets them well. "Mother, I will start my life now."
Claudia reacts with joy "I knew this day would come, don't worry at all about me, your father's men and myself can take care of the house." Claudia stares at Miaran "who is she?" "She is Miaran, a friend." Vitrubius and Miaran step outside, "alright mother, I must now go." They exit the home.
Once they leave, Claudia puts on her Imperial General armor and rounds up the men guarding her home, legionaries, guards, and even civilians. "Men and Women of Cyrodiil, we must reclaim what is ours, we shall not allow the Akavir to control us just as how our ancestors were enslaved by the Aylieds, we shall overthrow the Akaviri thrown to recapture what was once ours." Then she suddenly shouts "who is with me!?" The crowd cheers and they all quickly arm up and start marching from Cheydinhal, torwards the Imperial City. Within 2 hours, all of Cheydinhal is deserted.

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