The school's heart breaker is my brother...

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Mia's POV:

"When I walk in the spot,  this is what I see

Everybody stops and they staring at me

I got a passion in my pants and I ain't afraid to show it, show it, show it, show it...

I'm sexy and I know it 

Yo, when I'm at the mall, security just can't fight them off

When I'm at the beach, I'm in a speedo trying to tan my cheeks 

This is how I roll, come on ladies it's time to go

We headed to the bar, baby don't be nervous"

OMG I sighed heavily just what I had been looking forward to, obviously I was overjoyed at the fact I had been woken up at 6 in the morning by my brother's awful and totally tuneless rendition of LMFAO's "Sexy And I Know It."

I frowned slightly causing a crease to appear between my eyebrows.

It truly annoyed the hell out of me that he was able to drag himself about of bed every morning like that while I lay in my bed, completely unable to get my lazy butt out of bed.

Every morning with out fail my fitness obsessed brother would get out of bed at 6AM and go for a run around our leafy suburban village. I had no idea why he thought that it was necessary to get up so early but I had my suspicions.

Last year when Sam had started getting really obsessed with keeping fit he went out for a run after school.


He had returned home completely out of breath, red in the face and his shirt  was covered in mud and a few other curious stains. 

I later found out that that some of the girls in our school had received a tip off that Sam Crown, the school's sexy heart breaker was going to be going for a run after school.

To me that meant I would get the house to myself for a while, but to all the girls at Montybay High it meant a chance to check out my brother in all his glory.

To me it meant a rare opportunity to sit at home and watch One Tree Hill completely undisturbed whilst stuffing my face with my brother's special so called "secret" stash of chocolate he kept hidden above the cupboards. Stupid place for a hiding place if you ask me.

To them it meant dressing up in all their most "gorgeous" clothes and parading around the streets hoping for a glimpse of Sam as he ran by.

It was partly his own fault what did he expect, leaving the house in a thin white T-shirt that showed off all his perfect muscles and a pair of shorts that made me feel sick to even look at them.

No boy should ever wear shorts that tight and no sister should ever have to see her brother in them.

I was going to need so much therapy when I was older.

Anyway movingon with the story the girls had tracked down Sam about half way round his circuit and basically once they found him they weren't planning on letting him escape their slutty clutches.

It will always puzzle me why girls like my brother so much, I mean I got the fact that girl thought he was hot but looks weren't everything.

I mean I had seen the boy shove shrimps up his nose for fun.

I had taken part in so many mud fights with him I had lost count a number of years ago..

I had seen him being sick after he had made himself a berry pie using the poisonous berries on our neighbours tree.

Trust me if you thought a vegetable soup was colourful you haven't seen anything.

In conclusion Sam was a dirty annoying and stupid brother. He loved nothing more to annoy me constantly and I bet none of the girls in my school would even look at him again if they saw his bedroom.

I hadn't been in  there for a few months but the sight of it still haunted me to this day.

The floor was littered with socks, underwear, food, last years birthday cake, old photos, school homework that he had never done and I hadn't even seen under his bed. That was a sight I knew I wouldn't be able to handle.

I had told some of the girls at school for a joke that I had hidden a family of squirrels in Sam's room but since it was such a mess he hadn't found them yet.

Although this wasn't true I had been very tempted to actually do it as I knew I was right it would probably take him months to find them he state his room was in.

I growled to my self as I heard Sam start singing and reached over to my I-pod and plugged my self in. 

I had heard enough of Sam and his singing already this morning I didn't plan on putting myself thorough more torture than was necessary.

I lay in my bed for a few more minutes taking in the peace and quiet, just the beautiful sound of Evanscense, coming through me ear phones. 

"MIA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Sam burst into my room anger written all over his face. 

I slowly took my head phones out of my ears casually taking my time to piss him off even more.

I smiled sweetly at him, "Yes Sam???"

He frowned me and I could tell he was trying not to loose his cool.

Mia, do you wanna explain this...." He pointed towards the middle of his shorts.

My laugh erupted shattering the tension. 

"OMG, haha," I fell backwards off my bed landing on the floor with a thud, it hurt pretty badly but  I couldn't stop laughing.

Last night I had been particularly annoyed with Sam as he had eaten my last tub of Ben and Jerry's so as revenge I has stolen his beloved shorts and cut a large whole in the front of them exactly where his man jewels were kept.

I laughed again, he was obviously seriously pissed off and I knew I would pay for it later but the look and his face was so priceless it was defiantly worth it.

He looked so stupid as he tired to cover his balls up as they tried to escape through his boxers and shorts.

"Wow, is that a new fashion trend??" I asked with fake innocence.

"I'm gong to kill you Mia, I swear." I leaned into me his hot breath tickling my face.

I paused him backwards with a confused look on my face.

"But Sam..." 

"What Mia???" He asked, his voice thick and the tension could be cut in half with a knife.

"I'm sexy and I know it," I sang imitating Sam and mocking him.

He screamed out in frustration.

I laughed again almost pissing my self at this point it was that funny and continued to sing.

"I'm sexy and I know it,"

With  a final scowl Sam stormed out of my room slamming the door behind him with such a force the whole room vibrated.

I composed my self and pulled my body of the floor from where I had fallen off the bed, rubbing my thigh which was now showing the sings of a bruise, lovely just the accessory I had been looking for.

I smiled as I heard Sam cursing in his room, now that was the morning wake up I had wanted.


So what do you think so  far ???

I'm probably not going to do an authors note for each part but I would be so happy for any comments or votes and if you became a fan I would love you forever.

Remember it just takes one click :)

Any way I hope your liking the story so far and I will upload soon.

Love ya all xxxxxxx

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