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The concert day finally came and Hana presented you and your mum VIP tickets at the entrance. The seats were exactly in front of the stage, only separated by a sub-stage and walkways for the boys to interact with the fans. 

The setting was very Infinite – simple yet classy.  As soon as you sat down, an usher came looking for you and told you that your ticket was selected for a special event. You exchanged looks with your mum and Hana but they just told you that it was your lucky day and they were not informed about such things. 

The concert started with a bang and you found yourself in a sea of metallic gold ocean with beautiful fanlights lighting up the dark venue. You joined the crowd and sang to the hit songs that the boys sang. Deep down you were proud to be acquainted with the boys because they were so excellent in their showmanship. Your eyes subconsciously looked for Sunggyu on stage as he moved around in the choreography. Destiny, your favourite song, was performed extravagantly and there were a lot of improvised hipthrusts that sent you squealing. You felt embarrassed for them since your mum was there watching young boys doing such provocative moves.

Then during the ment, Woohyun came forward and escorted you out of the seat and onto the substage. “So here is our lucky fan for today. Isn’t she pretty?” The crowd screamed with envy as he held your hand to the middle of the sub-stage. You were as clueless as the fans on what was happening at that moment. You tried calling out Woohyun’s name but it fell upon deaf ears. The screams definitely drowned your voice. The power of Inspirits!

Soon, Sungjong came to join him. He pretended to not know you and asked about your name, your bias, your favourite songs from Infinite. Woohyun even asked you to do his signature aegyo with him. You nearly rolled your eyes in front of the other inspirits but went ahead with it. 

“Right now,” Sungjong’s voice echoed, “we would like you to stand here, Sara-sshi. And we would like everyone to stay very quiet as we disappear. Teehee! It is not going to take long so everyone please stay silent until the next item on stage. Shhh~. ” The crowd started to go wild again and eventually became quieter. Sungjong and Woohyun gave you thumbs up before disappearing from the stage. The spotlight and eyes were still on you as you stood there like a fool. 

Out of a sudden, the music started playing but the stage was still not lighted. Everyone screamed and the fanlights started to rise in the air again as cheered drew in. You stood there flabbergasted as the music registered in your head. You knew this song from somewhere. You knew the tune very well. You even knew when the singer was going to start singing. Your furrowed your eyebrows and clenched your fists trying hard to remember. 

I want you back…

The singer started his lines and the spotlight started shining at him. Kim Sunggyu. You literally froze and your jaw dropped as he strummed his guitar metres away at the main stage with his band and his eyes started to settle on you. He looked like he meant every word he sang. He looked hurt. Your heart began to ache as he continued singing, never once did he look away from you. You even surprised yourself because you knew this song word for word although you felt that it was your first time listening to it. The way Sunggyu sang it with so much emotion – you had never seen that precious side of him. 

It has to be you. 

My burning heart says it can’t be without you.

His voice pricked through your heart and you felt so giddy because you started to have flashbacks as he sang on. You were starting to remember patches of memories. As Sunggyu sang the second verse he began to walk towards you, eyes still fixated on his only one. You shivered and clenched your fist tighter as you felt the tears were already threatening to fall. Sunggyu’s handsome face shone perfectly and his jawline was on point. He swung his guitar back and slowly, he paced forward towards you. The screams began to get crazier yet you were not affected by it. Your eyes were glued onto Sunggyu. Your heart began to race at every step he took and the patches of memories became clearer. You held your head as the pain hit you. You finally remembered the day he gave you a call to let you listen to the song he wrote for you. You remembered how his voice cracked because he was nervous and you laughed at him for being so cute yet awkward. Then it went to the flashback of you hearing him humming this song to you and then letting you listen the recorded version meant for his solo album. 

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