Chapter 3

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I thought

Lizzie's POV
I run and run crying til I bumped to a hard thing. I look up and saw a guy that looks a year older than me.

I just look down and cry. I cant take it the words was sp hurtful who is she? What is she doing? What is her relationship Zach? How can Zach be friends with her? So many question runs through my

"Are you ok?" He asked. His voice so soft mixed with a bit of British. I look up again and met bu the blue eyes.

"N-no.." I stuttered. "I just I dont feel good." I say sobbing.

"I can make you feel better" he says I look up and see him smirk. He then started groping me, and touching me.

"Gasp! St-stop!" I cried. I try to yell but I cant.

"H-help!" I yell but he cover my mouth avoiding from yelling too much.

At this point I gave up. I thought it was the end of the day I thought I will be raped by this man I thought would help me.

Zach... Guys... help...

But as I thought that I quickly kick his something where the sun dont shine but he dodge it. I couldn't move my hands to fight him because he kept touching me and holding me.

Zach's POV
"Megan now I need to go I need to help my Twin" Megan's eyes widened when I say Twin. She just stood there as the boys and I run finding Lizzie.



"Lizzie Where are you!"

We were all looking around panicked when I saw a familiar person with a guy touching and groping her.

"Gasp!" I run and run full speed as I punch the Guys cheek. As he was left there on the ground groaning I held Lizzie seeing she is passed out.

"Guys call 911"


Everything went by so quickly cops arrested the guy who touched Lizzie. Lizzie was sleeping in the ambulance because of the tiredness. The boys are talkin to the police what happened while me I called mom of course.

She came and I carried Lizzie to the car as the boys and I also went to the car. Its the furst day we met and bad things are happening.


The next morning I woke up at the guest room with the boys. All of them were still sleeping as I made my way out I saw lizzie heading down stairs.

I went downstairs and I saw Mom making pancakes while Lizzie stretching.

"Good morning Mom Good morning Liz" I say sitting down the chair yawning.

"Good morning Zach" lizzie says doing a handstand.

"Good morning dear now here's your pancakes Zach wake your friends up and you can take Lizzie with you to your house but keep an Eye on her" Mom said looking at me like she is threatening me.

"Sure" I stood up and went to the guest room. I open the door and everyone was asleep except for Corbyn smiling like an idiot in his phone.

Once he notice me he stood up and place his phone in his pocket. "Oh hey Zach good morning." He said still smiling.

"Good Morning Uh... are you going somewhere?" I ask

"No I was just texting Christina she said she'll be here for 1 week." He said still smiling.

Twin // WHY DON'T WE FF// Zach HerronWhere stories live. Discover now