Valentines Rosemary

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I awaken from the pink sheets of my bed, realizing something. Something missing. I look beside me, finding what it was.

My precious dancer was not there. I stood, holding my nightgown in the new morning light ripping the cream colored curtains off the walls, telling curses in vain and rage. I scream, looking behind me to find a small, whimpering child holding a card that reads

"I, Rosemary; am your daughter"

I stared in shock, why what an odd way to start a diary, I must say. But I ought to add this for it is quite important. I picked up the small Rosemary, holding her firmly. I did love her, but I had not expected she would be my daughter;

Much less that she would know at only age 5. I pet her head softly, moving the small red bow in her hair straightening it, braiding her long, black silky hair.

I smiled,

"You've got a performance tonight"

She grinned in happiness, hugging me tightly. For the girl was mute, she used cards to communicate almost all of her life so far. As a goddess, I should help her build her confidence. But I have not; I called to a sprite, who almost immediately came with a jeweled hairclip. I clipped Rosemary's bangs back.

"Good luck" a faerie whistled to Rosemary, holding the sprites hand running away giggling with small purple flower petals.

"Your highness, Valentine." An elf spoke loudly and clearly, causing the faeries in the room to stop and stare.

"There has been an intruder, my goddess" another elf spoke, she bowed slightly.


"Is this.. Some kind of sleeping potion" One of the elves said outside, passing out on the cold grass. A faerie, now the size of an elf after digesting a small glass shiny container of purple liquid aimed a medium sized bow at the intruder.


An elf gasped, the arrow hit the enchanted man temporarily causing him to fall, but not long. He arose back from the ground waving his large hand as the faerie fell into a deep sleep. Rosemary hid behind my dress, tugging at my sleeve frantically grabbing a card saying she wanted to flee. I grabbed her arm, and called a faerie to aid us. I saw it was their queen, a beautiful young blonde holy looking person,

small wings and a large smile. She grinned and swiped a finger, I opened my eyes again after briefly blinking and we were in an enchanted world. A world lacking war, but not lacking hatred. I held Rosemary's hand, walking through the bright, greenish yellow trees.

I sighed,

"Aye, autumn"


The trees began to shrivel every step Rosemary took. It was this time I knew I was raising the goddess of death. The mute goddess of death. This world was slowly dying, and everything in it. I looked behind and the portal shut, I fell to the ground.. Breathing.. Whispering..


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⏰ Last updated: Jun 24, 2017 ⏰

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