These getting worse

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In Previous Chapter

I mentally facepalmed at myself.Great,So much for keeping my identity hidden.I sit back and stare my knee to avoid all the stare from my classmate.


Normal P.O.V

"Ahem" Reborn clearing his throat to get attention from the class back. "Before we move on .I want those student that have passport to raised your hand since I'm sure there's some of you has a passport so the student that have they own passport please raise you hand" Reborn asked

Only seven student raise their hand which were Gokudera Hayato,Yamamoto Takeshi,Chrome Dokuro,Asahi Kire (oc),Asahi Kei (oc) ,Mikami Gensuro (oc) Tsugiharu Kanna (oc)

'*sigh* That Tsuna and Rein didn't raise their hand huh.Tsuna didn't want them to know that bad and Rinya....I wonder why.Oh well as punishment I gonna blow their cover *evil smile* ' thought Reborn as he smirked to himself

Tsuna P.O.V

I did say I agreed with this trip but I didn't say I'm going to tag along with them

Tagging with my classmate mean putting they life in danger and not to mention my identity and my precious normal life too!!

Rein P.O.V



Just nope



Errbody say La la la la la


NONONONONONO I don't hear anything.I don't hear that carnivore saying anything about trip to Italy.I just sleeping an this is just a dream

Normal P.O.V

"Hmn,So the one who have passport is Gokudera, Yamamoto, Dokuro,Asahi,Gensuro and kanna. Since you already havr your own passport already you won't receive one tomorrow.Tsuna and Rein,both of you have a passport right?" Reborn asked

Tsuna sweat dropped "Uh....I...." while Rein still covering her earwith her hand

"Of course he doesn't have one Reborn-san!He's a dame!Why would he have one"some student exclaimed .The whole class laugh

"I bet he never been out this place without his mommy" they exclaimed again

"Oh really but according to the information in this paper Tsuna do have a passport and not mention it said that Tsuna actually have dual citizen in here and Italy because he also half Italian.My information also telling me he goes back and forth to Italy five time in a month that also same with Rein right?" Replied Reborn as he smirk evily

The whole class burst into "EHHHH" , "WHATT!!" and "WHAT THE HECK" as Tsuna head palm and Rein keep hitting her head on the desk while cursing Reborn


The whole class shut up .A gun shot tore a cross the classroom.(It okay no one die).It just to make them shut up

"So I will ask the same question again.Tsuna -san and Rein-san,Do both of you have passport? "Reborn stated .Tsuna slowly nodded "Yes..I-we do have it"

"But sensei it really impossi-"

*Bang* another gun shot

"Anymore question?"Reborn asked.The whole class keep quiet "Good,since all of you going to Italy I have brought you a teacher to teach all of you some basic of the language.The class going to start after the lunch.Thank you" stated Reborn as he walk out from the class

As soon the door close,everyone began to talking (except Tsuna who still in shock and Rein )

"Hmph,I've been in Italy lot's of time" say the blonde haired girl with her nose stuck in air.The noise in the class stopped except Chrome,Kyoko and Haru chatying still going on in the background.

Rein suprisingly stop hitting her head to the desk and go to sleep along with Takeshi as soon as Reborn leave the class while Gokudera still trying to calm that poor little Tsuna .The class were staring at the girl listening everything that she say

"My dad actually works for Vongola" She say in prideful smirk.Rein glance at the blonde haired female before going back to sleep .Tsuna quickly recovered from his current stated and his ear perked at the girl converrsation .The rest of the class stare at her with awe

"He work at one of their building in Italy and he actually run his own devision" She say clearly enjoying all the attention that been given to her "I've been there many time so this language thing going to be easy" She brag again and continue with it

The luch bell rang--


"How dare they insult Judaimee!" Gokudera complained
"It okay Gokudera,I'm fine" Smile Tsuna
"Maa~Maa Hayato not need to be mad beside Tsuna did say it okay right?" Takeshi cutted off trying to calm the storm guardian
"Shut up you baseball freak and I already told you don't address Judaime casually!!" Tsuna sweat dropped at his storm and rain guardian one side argument while everyone else just watching it

All the guardian including kyoko and hana gather on the rooftop for lunch since Tsuna didn't want to eat in the canteen because he doesn't want people asking him about what happen earlier.Gokudera sat to Tsuna right while Takeshi at left,Kyoko seat to Hana and Chrome as they chatting about the girl thing

And for once Hibari didn't have any intention to bite any herbivore or fighting with anyone saying that he use most lf his energy on the mission that Tsuna give to him so he just laying his head on Rein lap eating hamburger steak as he keep saying want to beat her boyfriend making the baby carnivore sweat dropped because her brother still doesn't accept the fact he got defeated by him

As they enjoying they lunch suddenly they heard Tsuna shout 'Itaii'.All of them amediatelly in full alert for an enemy.Lately many mafia been targetting Tsuna especially when inheritance ceremony date is getting closer making Tsuna life in more trouble

"Jyudaime!Are you okay?" Hayato run to his boss
"I'm okay"Tsuna reply
"Is it the enemy!?" Ask Hayato.Rein shook her head
"You should able to dodge that,It seem you need more training don't you Tsuna"
"Hiiieeee!"Tsuna shrieked in fear.It not other mafia but far more worst than all of them.That damn one*ahem* tutor*ahem* from *ahem* hell.Tsuna really sure that he is a reincarnation of a devil to torture him

But luckily he was save by the bell.On their way to the class they saw a group of girls run passed them and heard some noisy sound of girls at the hall but they just continue walking to tthe class

In the class

Everyone continue their chat about the trip since the teachers in meeting .All except the guardians who busy doing they own thing.Rein is trying to sleeping .keyword trying but she can't sleep since the class being too noisy.As she trying to sleep she heard a group of girl not far from her table gossipping about something but she didn't hear they conversation clearly.She just manage to catch a few word like "hansome guy" "teacher".Not that she care about it anyway

But then the door suddenly open and a blond guy come in

"Salve class,my name is Dino but call me sensei as from today I'm will be the one that going to teach all of you italian so be ready everyone *insert killer smile* "

-cricket sound-

"KYYYYAAAAAAA!!!!!!!" The girls scream while the boy cover their ear

Rein and Tsuna P.O.V

Oh my god...These getting worse

Class Trip Of Nightmare in ItalyWhere stories live. Discover now