Class Start!

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A/n : Picture above is my oc Rein

In Previous Chapter
Tsuna P.O.V

Oh my god...These getting worse

Bold = conversation in italy

Normal P.O.V

Dino eyes scan the entire classroom until he saw his beloved 'otouto' staring at him with wide eyes. "Otouto!" He ran and hug his otouto

"Hello otouto did you miss you big bro?I'm sorry I didn't contact you or message you.It because I really have tight schedule but now I'm here"Dino was hugging Tsuna tightly causing the poor brunette have hard time to breath

After some pulling and kicking (hahaha xD) Dino went back to his seat and act like nothing happen while the poor Tsuna received many glare from the female student

Dino begin to write his name at the board before turning his face facing the class

"Salve, let me introduce myself again.My name is Dino and I'm your Italian teacher for today and forgive me for what happen just now" Dino said as he smile.A boy raised his hand

"Dino sensei why were you hugging dame-Tsuna?" He ask

"Well I can't tell you about that now but let me tell you something.If I ever heard you calling him dame again.Let's say you won't able to see the morning sun AGAIN" He said with killer intent losing all his charming before smilibg again as if nothing happening causing the whole class gulped as they try to process what just happening

He then started handing out text book to learn italian and pass it to the whole class before he begin his lesson.He sympatize toward the brunette for having an awful classmate. 'Well soon they going to get the consequence for bullying my otouto.Can't wait to see they face to gasp in shock and horror about what they going to witness *chuckle*

"Okay everyone, now I going to test all of you one by one.We going to start with something basic.First is Tsugiharu kanna" That blonde hair girl stand up as her name been mention

"Hello how are you?" Dino ask
"I'm vine,thenk you " She reply.Althought there's some mistake but her italian still can be understand 'Well better than nothing' Dino thought . "The next student will be Gokudera Hayato" Gokudera begin to stand up from his seat

"Tch,let get over with this quick"
"Now now,don't be so rude with you teacher Hayato" Dino answer
"Tch,Hello how are you ,I'm fine thank you" Gokudera mimicking Dino voice .He then sit in his place and continue doing his own business .

'I didn't even open my mouth yet but never mind' he thought as he listen one of the student mumbling something like "He half italian.Of course he capable speaking his mother language" before shutting his mouth because of Gokudera deadly glare

"Next up, Yamomoto Takeshi" Yamomoto begin to stand up from his seat
"Hello, how are you ?" Dino ask again
"I'm fine,thank you.Haha Dino this is too easy" Yamomoto laugh as he sit back.The whole class mouth gape to see that baseball player talking in italian as if it was his mother language

Soon one by one being call and the class end up earlier than they expected.


Well actually the class end early because Dino is digging his own grave by waking up the sleeping Rein and not to mention calling her by nickname (Rein : only brother and tsuna mom can call me by nickname!)  resulting her to be in bad mood,chase him out to bite him and Dino running and screaming from being chase by Rein follow by Hibari yelling something like 'Herbivore,Baby carnivore don't run in the hallway!!!'

No one even dare to help him even Tsuna because why one want to mess up with the vice president especially when she in bad mood.Tsuna feel bad for Dino but no one want to mess up with the cloud guardians siblings but on the bright side it manage to distract people to forget the scene he talking with Dino in full italian

Time skip to end of the school~

Normal P.OV

The school bell ring signaling the school is over for today.The hallway begin to fill with the student as they going home with their friends.Tsuna walking home together with Yamamoto, Gokudera and Rein at the sidewalk along with a few student who also on their way home

"What are you gonna bring to the italy next week" Yamamoto ask suddenly "Well... I don't know yet whatI gonna bring "answer Tsuna"Idiot,we already have our stuff at there.Do we need to bring anything else" Said Gokudera

"Food,money,games,weapon and phone" Rein reply without taking her eyes from her game 'Thought so' think Tsuna "anyway do you guys want to eat sushi.My treat " Said Yamato

"No thank,I'm going to the game shop to buy something so bye" asnwer Rein as she wave to them

"Wait Rein-chan,Can you give this to Chrome since I promise her I let her borrow my book so she can do the previous note that teacher give to us" Said Yamamoto as he give the book to Rein to take it. "Chrome didn't work at the game shop" Rein giving him confused look as she looking at the book

Yamato just grinned "I know you're not going to just the game shop.SO! give her this book okay" making the the vice president blush

"O-Oh,all right" Rein walk quickly with blush still visible at her face earning a laugh by the rain guardian as Tsuna shout her to say hi to 'him'

A/N : Rein boyfriend obviously is one of the kokuyo gang.Can you gues who \(ロ\)(/ロ゜)/

~Thank you for you patient,see you guys in the next chapter  _(_^_)_> ~

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