Chapter 1: A Secret 🎁

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ฯMarionette's Point Of Viewฯ
I rocked myself back and forth in my box as the music rang through my ears. I'm doing this because I'm scared. Scared of the others finding out about me and Springtrap. I'm not dating him or anything, I just talk to him a lot during the chaos. That's my little secret. I can't believe I've fallen in love. With an enemy at that! It's so wrong! But....when I'm with Springtrap, I At night and day. At night more, I feel free from my strings when I think about him. Today we battle, yet again.

"Marionette?" I heard Mangle's voice say.

"Yes, Mangle?" I said, standing up and opening my box.

"Is it time to fight yet?"

"Yes. Please go gather up the others."

"Yes, Marionette."

Mangle went to go warn the others as I followed her.

"Guys, it's time." Mangle announced. Everyone cheered at the news.

"Come, we must go meet the Phantoms in the field at the park." I told the Toys. We all turned into humans and took the peaceful 15 minute walk to the field of the park. The park and field were 2 completely different places. The park was actually hidden. Nobody knew where it was, except me and Springtrap. Speaking of Springtrap, he and the Phantoms walked up the path.

"Marionette." he greeted me.

"Springtrap." I replied. In the blink of an eye, everybody three themselves at each other. Toys vs Phantoms. Me and Springtrap walked into the hidden park without being noticed.

"Springy, I'm not sure how much longer we can hang out."

"What to do you mean, Mari?"

"I mean, the Toys seem to be getting suspicous of me leaving everytime we fight."

"Mari, trust me. They don't suspect a thing. Okay?"

I sighed, realizing Springy was right.

"Your right, Springy. I think I'm just paranoid."

Springy chuckled at my nervousness.

"Just relax, Mari. This will just be our little secret. Okay?"

"Okay. Thank you, Springy."

I said, hugging him as I wrapped my arms around his neck.

"Your welcome." he said, wrapping his arms around my waist. I wish I could tell him how I feel. There's so many things wrong with that though. What if he doesn't like me? What if he has a girlfriend already? And the Toys would get even more curious.... I guess it'll just have to remain a secret....

To Love An Enemy {Springtrap X Marionette} Where stories live. Discover now