Calm Dragon. [Genyatta]

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Genji sat at the end of his bed. He looked down at his ripped and scarred hands. He clenched his teeth. "God fucking damnit" He felt tears streaming down his face. Wiping them away angrily,Genji layed on his back,staring up and crying. He felt useless. Terrible. Angry. Sad.
   A knock on his door shook him awake. "Who is it?" A small laugh could be heard. " It is Zenyatta" he quickly sat up,wiping his tears away. "Come in" Zenyatta opened the door,looking at genji,he sighed. "I know you are not okay" Genji looked down. "That is true" Zenyatta say next to him,laying a hand on his shoulder. Genji was lightly shocked,and looked at his master. "Genji. I know how hard your new body is. I know you are angry. But,I am here. I am supporting you" he stopped for a moment. "I love you and I hope you flourish as a new person" Genji looked down,he couldn't help but smile.
"Would you..want to 'cuddle?' " Genji blushed,and nodded. Zen wrapped his arms around his student,laying him down. Genji sighed,laying his head on Zenyatta's metal chest. "Is this alright?" Genji nodded.
    He felt safe in his master's arms.

A/N: I fucking love genyatta ok?

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