Little Pest [Roadrat]

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   Junkrat ripped of his prosthetic arm angrily. "I fuckin' hate you!" He screeched. Throwing it down, he felt tears streaming down his face. He stood up,and grabbed a wrench,like a mad man,he hit his prosthetic leg,over and over and over. It finally gave out,as he fell ok on his ass,he shouted once more. "Why'd ya do this to me? Huh? make me this scrawny little fuckin' piece a shit!" He crained his neck upwards. Tears still streaming down his face "WHY?" His throat was burning.
  Finally he succumbed to the tears. He wrapped his arm and stub around his leg, loud ugly sobs escaped from his mouth.
Seeing a large shadow over him,he gritted his teeth. "The fuck are you looking at. Go away.." He shut his eyes,only to hear footsteps. "Don't come any closer!" He screeched. The footsteps stopped. Roadhog. That's who it was. Junkrat looked up, and growled. He stood up,and Leaned agaisnt the wall. Roadhog stepped forward again,only a couple steps away from Junkrat. "Dont!.." Another step. " I said dont.. " a small sob.
  Roadhog wrapped his arms around Junkrat's waist,Junkrat wrapped his arm around his neck. "Just don't let go..." Roadhog grunted,he hated seeing his boss like this. He was used to a loud happy rat. "It's okay..let it all out" and he was. Snot and tears streamed down Junkrats face. As he wiped them away he stared into Roadhogs mask. "Thanks.."  Roadhog nodded.
"Anything for you"

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