~ Those Mornings ~

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Third Person POV

It was a somewhat early morning at the studio, everyone getting ready to do their own respective jobs.

The cast were getting their scripts from the manager, Snow, who was being cautious around certain cast members, most of which were crabby for either not getting a full night sleep, getting a script even though they didn't have any lines (GET OVER IT OSWALD!), or just didn't want to do a lot of work.

The main cast members, Bendy, Boris, Cuphead and Mugman gathered together. All four just watched the scenes of utter chaos unfold from afar.

"Aw jeez, how long do you think this is gonna go on for this time?" Bendy groaned in annoyance, from his chair.

The group observed Snow carefully slip Oswald his script, he noticed and looked like he turned into character with his show persona, the rabbit had dark circles under his eyes from lack of sleep. Oswald sent a glare at Snow, which immediately clued her to run away.

Mugman pushed his glasses up, "Rouge hasn't had her coffee yet and I give it less than 5 minutes before the studio becomes hell on Earth." He remarked, reading through his lines on his script.

Suddenly, the sound of a table being thrown across the room, let's just say that Donald now knows to not stand within Rouge Table Throwing Distance anymore. "WHERE THE HELL Is MY DAMN COFFEE?!" Rouge screamed from the top of her lungs, "I NEED CAFFEINE IN ORDER TO STAY SANE!!"

Cuphead almost immediately hid behind the chair Bendy was sitting in.

"Oh god, don't let her see me! I'm not drinkable!" He exclaimed.

The sound of the door opening, caught everyone's attention. Standing within the doorway, clearly panting for breath was the vocal and acting coach, Hailey. In her hands, was a large brown box.

"Sorry I'm late everyone!" She exclaimed, "But I brought coffee, tea and drinks for everyone!" She announced with a bright smile on her face. "Help yourselves!"

Cast and staff members were quick to gather in a crowd around the red haired wonder. "Earl Grey for Mugsy, Mint for Minnie and Daisy, Orange Pekoe for Ortensia and Dovil, and Lemon for Mick!" Hailey handed out the teas, then coffees, "Two sugars and cream for Ozzy(Oswald), black for Ms Rouge, 3 sugars and 4 creams for Lexy (Felix) and 2 sugars 3 creams for Fanny."

As everyone who was called along with their specialty drink, smiles were on their faces.

"What about the rest of us?" Bendy remarked, a smirk on his face.

Hailey turned to the remaining cast members, a grin on her face, "I haven't forgotten you guys!" Hailey showed the contents in the box, "Hot chocolate for Boris, iced tea for Bendz and lemonade for Cups!" The trio grabbed the contents they were enlisted to and happily sipped their drinks.

Boris then noticed writing on the side of his cup. 'Keep up your positive attitude! It makes everyone around you smile and feel better ! <3'

Boris awed and hugged Hailey, "Aww! You're so sweet Hailey!" He complimented in appreciation.

"No probs Borsie! Anything to bring as much happiness to your day, as you bring to others." Hailey explained with sincerity.

Bendy, Cuphead and Mugman lifted their cups to examine the sides, where there too were their own special compliments.

'Never forget to keep trying! You can always learn from even the smallest mistakes! <3'

'Keep being who you are, because that is the best thing you could ever offer the world <3'

'Don't focus on harmless little mishaps, if you end up stressing, then you won't be able to do your best anymore! Don't turn to that, please! <3'

The group gushed at the gesture and had a mini group hug with Hailey. After pulling away, Bendy was the first to speak.

"So, did you write something to the director?" He questioned.

Hailey nodded, "For sure, Ms Rouge should really take it easy sometimes, she works really hard!" She replied.

Then, Hailey felt a tug on the bottom of her jacket, when turning to see who was responsible for the actions, she saw it was a few of the 400 bunny kids, all with puppy dog eyes.

"Miss Hailey?"

"Did you forget about us?"

"Did you get us something too?"

They asked, Hailey internally screamed, but crouched down to the kids and patted their heads, "I got some chocolate milk for all of you, I was able to get a truck to deliver them in a few minutes!" She explained and winked at the kids.

The blue bunny children all had large grins plastered on their faces, which only grew once the loud sound of a truck horn could be heard from outside in the parking lot. A large wave of the children rushed outside, only to ignore the faint shouts from Ortensia to not run outside without an adult.

Mugman looked at the acting and vocal coach in sudden confusion, "How'd you afford all of this?" He asked, "You do this almost everyday."

Hailey had a smirk on her face, "Mickey's loaded and paid for the truck, you really think I wouldn't hold him up to that Just Dance victory?"

Mickey's ears popped up at the sound of his name, he quickly scampered to the group, but played it cool. "H-hey guys! Whatcha talking about?" Mickey inquired.

The group all shared smirks with each other.

"Nothing really Mick, just remarking on good your next performance is gonna be!" Hailey fibbed, but with a genuine smile on her face.

Boris added, "And Hailey was saying that we should go to dinner after, for uh those pork cutlet bowls from that anime she showed us."

Mickey's eyes lit up, "Sounds like a plan! My treat, I'll check in with you guys later about that!" He grinned and trotted back to a somewhat more approachable Oswald.

"He is so a Victor." Hailey muttered, everyone nodded in agreement.


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