~ Goddamn Fidget Spinners ~

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Third Person POV

It was the middle of shooting a scene, for the show. Cuphead and Bendy were doing a serious scene, everyone else were sitting off and watched the scene be performed.

Cuphead was on the emotional part where his character was conflicted with his brother being shot at his hand. Bendy's persona was there to comfort him.

"You know well that was an accident." Bendy acted his line in a sympathetic tone.

Cuphead shook his head, "My fault or not.. an accident or not, why should it matter? It's all over! It's either both of us or nothing."

Everyone watching were amazed at the tension being able to stay as long as it has. Usually by now, Cuphead would fall out of character and follow some sort of distraction.

Some individuals were getting way too into the scene, Hailey was attempting to conceal her sniffling with a tissue and wiping her eyes. Mugs had a box of tissues on standby, because he knows how emotional she is.

(Thanks Mugs, you the best ;-;)

"I-I just wish I could have told him-" Cup was about to deliver a very emotional line, then he cut himself off and looked at Bendy's shoes with a blank expression.
"Wait...Wh-what was the line?!" Cuphead asked.

Everyone stared at him in disbelief before a large annoyed tension filled the room.

'He was so close!'

'Now of all times?!'

'He was doing so well!'

Rouge groaned in annoyance and yelled, "CUT!" She glared at Cuphead as he stood up and scratched his cheek in embarrassment. "Cuphead, what the hell have I told you about remembering your lines?!"

Cuphead sighed in a disappointed tone, "Sorry Miss Rouge, I'll try harder next shot."

Bendy and Hailey were quick to comfort Cuphead.

"Hey, don't beat yourself up, you were doing great!" Bendy reassured, patting his back.

"You had a great start, don't worry about it, you still did a fantastic job!" Hailey offered an encouraging smile.

Cuphead smiled a little and thanked them for their words of encouragement.

Suddenly, the small noise of something whirling, that quickly drew the attention of the group to Felix, who was silently testing a ... fidget spinner.

"What is that Felix?" Boris asked, peering over the group.

Felix held the fidget spinner to the group, so they could see. "It's a fidget spinner, I was bored." He replied, after that response, Rouge took the fidget spinner and held it between her thumb and point fingertips.

She gave it a small spin, but as it whirled at a quicker pace, she glared at it, "What even is the point of this, it just spins." She remarked in a bored expression.

Suddenly Cuphead leaned on her to look at the fidget spinner, "WOW! CAN I HAVE IT?!" He asked in a new happy enthusiasm.

Rouge threw it in the air for Cuphead to catch it, then she walked off to get her coffee. "Let's just have a break!"

Cup happiness caught then fidget spinner and now all his attention was on that.

"Apparently they were originally for people with ADD or ADHD, whatever you prefer, but now it's a stress reliever." Hailey explained in a grimace.

Bendy looked up at her with an amused expression, "You don't seem to have a thing for them." He remarked.

"They are everywhere, the whole world is covered in them!!" Hailey exclaimed in frustration. "I give it a day before the studio is overrun."

Mugman looked down at his book, "I give it half a day." He retorted, making Hailey glare at him.

"Don't be an ass." She pouted.

"I prefer being referred as a 'smart ass'." Mugman retorted back at Hailey.

Hailey glared at him, "An annoying smartass." She muttered.

Bendy nudged her with his elbow, "Careful Ms 'Watch Your Language, There Are Children Around'." He teased, a sly grin ok his face.

Hailey rolled her eyes and playfully nudged Bendy back, "Don't you start now."

"You and Felix gonna have a fidget spinner pun off later?" Bendy asked, crossing his arms in front of his chest.

Hailey smirked, "Oh you bet."

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