Chapter 5: Looking Out For Each Other

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* For the past week you try songwriting with 2D, day and night. You scribble through another verse and eventually crumple up another sheet to toss in the trashcan across the room. You would have made it if the trashcan wasn't full of song lyric rejects.*

You: *groans in annoyance* this is not working.

2D: It's only a been an hour. Come on let's take a break and watch some tv it's not good to work all day.

You: *sighs* I guess you're right.

*Both you and 2D head to the living room and turned on the tv. A zombie marathon was playing all day *

2D: Oh cool...*he then turns to you.* mean I understand if you don't want to watch this.  

You: I mean I love zombie shows and horror films.

2D: I'm not one for horror much.

You: Most people aren't. I get it.

2D: I mean if I had, I would need someone to watch them with me. *he blushes a little while rubbing the back of his head.*

You: Well, I'm always up for a horror film. *smiles* I'll make some popcorn * you go to the kitchen and come back with a bowl overloading with hot, buttery popcorn.*

*You and 2D spent all night watching the zombie marathon. You both fell asleep on the couch. Russell came down the stairs seeing you two asleep on the couch. Russell carried  you to your bed and tucked you in. He silently closed the door and goes down the stairs again to wake up 2D.*

Russell: Hey D, wake up man.

*2D slowly opened his eyes and rubbed his face*

2D: What time is it? *Looks over seeing you gone he returned his gaze to Russell.* Did (y/n) go to bed?

Russell: I took her to her room. D, I have to ask you something.

2D: What is it?

Russell: Are you trying to hit on my sister?

2D: *He blushed a little* no, no not at tall. I mean It's not like she isn't beautiful or any'fin but...but we are just friends. I promise.

Russell: D, I know if you did like my sister, I know you wouldn't try to break her heart like Murdoc would. I don't want anything to happen to her. I know, I'm being protective of her but, I've seen too many guys break her heart.

2D: I promise you Russell I would never 'er break heart.

Russell: I know you won't, because you will not date my sister. Do we have an understanding?

2D: y-yea

Russell: It's nothing against you. I just can't bring myself to seeing her get hurt. *Russell gets up and goes back to his room for the night.*

*That next morning you go to the recording space after breakfast you wait for an hour for 2D to come you both had agreed to meet around 1 pm, so you both could songwrite and have pizza. He was never late to a session before and it had you curious. You walk to 2D's room to see if he was there.*

You: *knocks on the door* 

2D:*Opens the door*

You:Hey D, I was waiting for you we had a writing sess planned today? Is everything ok?

2D: *lies* I'm not feeling too well. I'm sorry that I didn't tell you. 

You: Oh, no it's cool I totally understand. You just focus on getting better. 

*you hug 2D causing him to blush a little and you leave. You take your notebook, pen and the box of pizza to the recording space to finish a song you were working on. Everything was there a good hook, a catchy but meaningful chorus but you just needed an ending. You sat there for hours playing the song in its  entirety to see if something would just come to you. Just when you were coming to the last part Russell comes in.*

Russell: That sounds great. 

You: *frustrated you stop playing * no matter how great it is, it does not have an ending.

Russell: I know you can come up with something. Where is D? Usually you both are in here working.

You: Apparently he doesn't feel good. He should be in his room resting. *Pushes the box of pizza towards Russell. Offering him a slice from the pie.*

Russell: *takes a slice and eats it* Hmmm, do you want me to help you finish the song?

You: I...I'm close I can feel it. I just need some time alone. I hate to kick you out but...yea.

Russell: I understand *he leaves*

*You start over playing your song. At the same part in the song as before you had to stop playing since Noodle walked in.*

Noodle: Genki desu ka? (How are you?)

You: Yokunai yo. Watashi wa totemo isogashi desu. (Not good, I'm very busy)

Noodle: Wakarimashita. Jaa nee (I understand, see you later)

*You start over again and only get thru half of the song before Murdoc walks into the room.*

Murdoc: Hey have you seen faceache?


Murdoc: Geez I just wanted to know where faceache was sheesh.

You: I'm not his babysitter. Check his room.

Murdoc: Yea, yea in a minute. Did I hear something about finishing a song?

You: Yea so what?

Murdoc: Well you know I am quite the songwriter myself.

You: You just want to finish this song with me and then take credit for it when it hits the charts so you can add it to your next album. Besides didn't you say that I didn't have talent.

Murdoc: Well let's see if that is true * he snatched your notebook that was open to the song that you were playing. You immediately try to grab it back from him but since he was taller than you he simply held it over his head.*

You: You do know that I could just get Russell to get  you to leave me alone. * you stop reaching and fold your arms*

Murdoc: c'mon just one verse just one

You: *rolls eyes* fine just one and I mean it.

Murdoc: *reads to himself*

You: *waits for a few minutes* ok, ok the verse isn't that long give it back.

Murdoc: hmm

You: What is it now? Are you going to tell that it's confirmed that I have no talent. Yea, I know.

Murdoc: No, quite the opposite. Your lyrics are good. I mean I could write better ones, but they are good nonetheless. 

You: You're just messing with me and it's not funny Murdoc.

Murdoc: No, no I'm serious. It's no joke, luv. And you say that it's unfinished?

You: Yea there is no ending. I just don't know how to end it. I keep getting interrupted. 

Murdoc: *sits down on the floor, grabbing a pen and writes at the bottom of the page.*

You: What do you think that you are doing?

Murdoc: helping

You: I didn't ask for your help

Murdoc: Too bad. *He shoves the notebook into your hands and leaves.*

You: What did he even write? *you open the notebook back to the right page where the song was and looked to the bottom of the page. He only wrote a line. You look in confusion at what he wrote.  * 

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