Chapter 2

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Only weak people show their tears
"Emily What are you doing!" My mom Said as she stood by the door.

"I don't like this stuff anymore" I Said as she looked to me.

"You really want to throw this all away?" She said as I looked to her.

"Yeah I need a change in my life" I said as she frowned.

I didn't want a change I wanted a new start in the hope I could forget everything that happened in that sixteen years of past I had.

There just have to change something in my life before it is too late.

"EM you are going to throw this away!" She Said as she gave me THE photo of him

"Owh crap come here with that photo" I said.

"How could it come between that trash" I mumbled in my self.

"Em it's almost three don't you have to go to Lara?" my mom sad as I looked to her.

"Omg I forgot , I have to go now see you mom" I said as I packed my stuff fast and ran out the door.

As soon as I was outside I took my bicycle and cycled to Laras house.

"Jeez em you are so late" Lara said as she stood before the door.

"I'm sorry I forgot" I said as she laughed.

"It's already okay let's go!" She said as we walked to the city which was really near to her house.

We walked into the first shop and looked around. 

"Hey fit this it will suit you amazing" Lara said as she gave me a really cute pink dress.

"Okay I will fit it" I said as I walked into the fitting room

I got into the dress as I looked to the mirror.

Nothing. I just felt nothing anymore.

I touched the mirror as I looked myself in the eyes.

"Why am I like this? Why can't I be happy?" I whispered to myself as some tears fell on my cheeks.

"Hey everything okay there?" I heard Lara as I dried my tears fast and opened the fitting room.

"What do you think?" I said as she smiled.

"Wow it's beautiful" she said as I smiled.

No actually it's ugly, nothing fits on you. Was the only thing I heard in my head as I tried to keep smiling.

"Yeah I think I will buy it, it's amazing" I said as I went back into the fitting room and fell on the ground, silently crying my eyes out.

I don't know what I am doing. I know I can tell Lara everything but the problem is that I don't want. I want to do this alone. People are always there for me but I can't be there for them cause I am an stupid girl that makes of everything a big deal. I don't to share my drama with everyone they will only think I am an annoying overreacting girl.

I am strong, I can beat this. And I don't need any kind of help.

"Em you ready?" She said as I began to chance fast

"Yeah almost" I said as I did my best to chance as fast as possible. I came out of the fitting room as lara smiled

"Let's go" She said as I nodded

*time passes*

"So Emily How are you doing" my psychiatrist said as I looked to her.

Yep that's right I have a psychiatrist, I go to her every week but it doesn't feel like she can help me.

No one can help me except myself.

"Everything is fine" I said.

If you mean with everything is fine everything is wrong , sure you are speaking the truth. I heard in my head as I signed

"Emily? Are you still here" I heard waking up out of my thoughts as I looked to my psychiatrist

"Uhm sorry I was just a little bit distracted" I said as she looked to me.

"Is everything okay?" She Said as I nodded.

"Yes everything okay" I Said.

"Are you sure?" She said

"Very very sure" I said

"Well okay if you want to fill this in every day then I will see you next week" She said as I nodded

"Alright till next week" I said as I walked away. I almost came become an actress so good can I hide my feelings. It's the only thing I am good at.

I cycled to home as I was in my own thoughts until I almost bumped into a car. "WATCH OUT!" I heard someone screaming. I cycled further as fast as I could with tears in my eyes. I am just the most stupid girl on this planet..

You try to keep strong , You want to beat it yourself but you keep drowning until it's too late..

Soo New chapter! Let me know What you think of the story so far❤️ Love you All

Xx Juul

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