Chapter 1: The Beginning

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(when speaking telepathically words will be slanted)

4,320 days. Thats how long I have been stuck in this boring room. There's no way out. Only one window and its on my door so I see nothing but a brick wall. One bed and a sink with a bucket next to it. The water is dirty so I have to boil it to make it clean. I am brought uncooked food which I have to cook in the fireplace I have. Though I have no wood, but I am brought hay from my friend Feathers, he's a bird. Along with my food I am brought a dead flower and I never see who puts it there cause it somehow ends up inside my room without me noticing.

The hardest part is that I have no clue who I am or how come I was put in here. I must have been in here since I was born because I know nothing of my past. Until I met Feathers I knew nothing absolutely nothing not even how to speak. Well that part is not necessarily true I knew a couple words. Feathers called it "broken English" I think thats what he called it, I'm still not very sure of its meaning. I picked it up from the guards that walk up and down the halls. He had to teach me literally everything. He taught me in thanks for helping him. He flew in through the window and broke his wing. I made him a bandage from the bottom of my skirt and gave him a bath.

I asked him if he could teach me. He wrote on the walls. Beacasue I knew a little amount of words it was a little harder to write and I also didn't know how to read. He said that we could start with how to write and read. Which was actually not as hard as I thought it was but it was still kind of tricky. I had to learn all the letters in order to write and read. It wasn't that hard but I had trouble with w. After I got all that down I had to learn numbers, this was the hardest part for me. Two different numbers make up a different number. Then there are different signs that increase or decrease numbers. There are just so many numbers unlike letters. There are only 24 of those.

It took me a whole year to learn numbers, reading, writing, and specking. Well I'm not especially sure of how many but I think it was a yaer. Later I learned months, years, time, etc. Once I had gotten that Feathers decided to teach me about what kind of bird he was. He was kind of big for a bird but not as big as a raven. He has black feathers with blue, purple, yellow, and green on his wings. Because of those feathers that's how I named him. He comes from a very rare flock of birds they are called spear birds. They were bred to be as knowledgeable as humans, but the birds evolved into having the knowledge of how to escape, but still having that animal instinct to kill if in danger. Though over the years spear birds have evolved to know when to kill or not. They were able to escape but only 4 of the original 10 made it out alive.

Though the 4 badly injured, they knew how to cure themselves. They were able to create more spear birds, because spear birds can't mate. The original 4 birds died, but before the last original bird died he advised them not to create any more, because the rest would have to search for a companion. Once one finds a companion the whole flock can live forever and help educate the humans on the future. The companionship must be between a human and the bird. This makes it hard for a spear bird to find a companion because without his flock the bird is vulnerable. The bird would share some of his powers with the human, like telepathy and a long life span. The only problem about finding a companion is that once the bird and human become companions if the bird dies the human dies two and the same way around.

This was all very interesting to me. I was 7 at the time I think. According to Feathers I was a very fast learner for my age. It was abnormal how fast I learned. Later after my disgusting meal of the day I asked Feathers what my name was. He said we should come up with one. For 4 years he never really called me anything. I guess I never really thought about it till now. Feathers wanted it to be bird related. I decided June, because that was the month I met Feathers or at least I think that was the month and I thought it was pretty.

It was getting close to the day of celebration. This was the day me and Feathers met and I was turning 12. We would exchange gifts. For my gift I asked Feathers to get me something to see myself with. With that he flew out through the window on my door. Which really shouldn't be called a window. It's just a square shaped hole with X shaped bars over it. He was gone 2 days which was good. It gave me time to make his present. I was going to make him a new nest. He already had one but it was pretty beat up. I would use the dead flowers I get with my dinner. I bunched them together to make a fluffy slightly large nest.

The day finally came when Feathers returned. He was caring a basket. I had to help him shove it through the small window. On top of the basket was a blanket with red and white square pattern. The blanket was just my size so I could sleep with it. I never had a blanket before so this winter I won't be so cold. I took the blanket out of the basket and underneath was this sponge looking thing with pink stuff on top. Feathers called it "cake "and the pink stuff was "frosting." After Feathers and I ate the cake he told me to look at the bottom of the basket. At the bottom was this shinny shard of glass. I looked into it and the person staring back at me was this pale faced girl with long tangled brown hair and big blue eyes and a really dirty dark blue top and skirt.

"This is what I look like" I said to Feathers.

He nodded. Could this really be what I looked like? Well what did I think I looked like? I apparently stared at myself for a really long time because Feathers squawked at me.

"Oh I have a present for you too" I pulled out a brand new nest from under my bed. Feathers bowed his head and hoped in the nest.

"I made it with the flowers I get so it would be extra fluffy." Feathers tail stuck up as I sat down in the nest. He sighed,

"Ah I could stay in here all day June, thanks." Did he just talk? I think Feathers just spoke to me? I stared at him with wide eyes as he wrote the message on the wall.

"I can understand you" not really believing any of this.

"Are you playing a trick on me" asked Feathers.

"Could you understand me before this?"

"If I could do you think I would have made you write everything on the wall."

"No I guess not, but June do you know what this means!" Feathers said excitedly."

"Hey, hey you, girl who are you talking to" the guard said. He must have been pacing the hall. "How do you even know how to talk, who else is in there!" the guard said angrily. " one, I'm alone, just talking to myself." The guard gave me a suspicious look and walked away.

"June, June, its ok, it's me Feathers we can speak telepathically." His voice echoed in my head. "How are you doing that" I said looking frantically around the room. "Just talk to me without speaking, it's easy just try." "Is it working" I was squinting my eyes so hard like it would help. "Yes, June you're doing great, but do you know what this means, June we are companions."

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