Chapter 2: The Dream

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I went to bed that night, using my new blanket. It was really hard falling asleep because I had all these thoughts running through my head. That night was the night were my whole life would go upside down. When I finally fell asleep, I had this strange dream. 

 I was walking through nothing. All around me it was black, but it wasn’t dark. I decided to walk forward or at least what I thought was forward. This dream was different I couldn’t really control this dream. I could decide what to say and where to walk but I couldn’t have something happen. I can control all my dreams. Usually I choose not to dream. Feathers said that most people can’t decide to dream or not. I didn’t look too much into it. I wasn’t taught or anything I just knew how. No matter how hard I tried I couldn’t shut down this dream.  While I was walking I came across a woman with long black hair. She had a grim smile slapped on her face. 

“Hello child” she said.

“I’m sorry, do I know you”

“No, but I’m afraid you will soon know about me and yourself, but you cannot live once you figure out who I am” then she winked at me.

“What, I’m sorry I don’t…AH…!”

She took my body and somehow was twisting it in a weird way that shot surges of pain up my back. I looked down at my hands and they were bloody. Then I turned them over and the back of my hands were bone. 

“WHAT ARE YOU DOING MAKE IT STOP MAKE IT STOP.” Something was shaking me but I couldn’t wake up. Finally after what seemed a life time she let me go, snapped her fingers and I was back in my room and found Feathers flapping his wings in my face. I sat up and looked at my hands and they were perfectly fine. I sat there shocked.

“June are you alright” asked Feathers.

“I…I had a dream”

“Oh, but I thought you can control your dreams” said Feathers. He looked worried. I told he all about the dream and when I was done I stared at Feathers waiting for an explanation. 

“June I think it’s time you had a history lesson.”

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