Are we dead?

51 7 0

Pitch black

Cat noir: what are we doing here (looking around  seeing the class students around him.)

Ladybug : what happened, and what is the class students doing here?

Kim: OMG are..... are we dead?

Car noir :maybe, that would explain the black room, wait a second something fishy is going on.


Everyone: what do you remember something are you hurt!?

Alya: No even worse my smart phone is all WET NNNNNNOOOO,  how will I take a video of this for the ladyblog.

Ladybug: ok let put all the facts together because something isn't right her.

Max: 1 we are in a pitch black room 

           2 Alya's phone some how got wet 

           3 we all have no memory

           4 Marinette Adrien and nathaniel are missing-

   Cat noir and ladybug: wait what!!!!!!

Ladybug: hey Alya can I see your phone for a minute 

Alya:sure why not

(Ladybug notices blood on the phone)

Ladybug: hey kitty look at this, some blood is on Alya's phone -- ouch 

Cat noir : what is it M'lady

Ladybug: I remeber !

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