Chapter Four

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"This bubblebath smells really good." Bianca said,  shampooing her hair and dipping it back into the water. I helped wash the soap out of it, holding her head gently as she rinsed.  Her eyelashes fluttered.

Of course any contact with her whatsoever left me feeling butterflies and all dizzy, so now I was feeling giddy.... and about to die of happiness.

I had conditioner in mine at the moment, so it smelled fragrantly like lemon and lavender.  I took another swig of wine.  Life was good... as far as zombie apocalyspes go.

She sat up, and squeezed the water out of her hair.  She leaned toward me and planted a kiss on my jaw line.  I smiled and wiped a handful of bubblebath on her nose.

"This is war." She giggled, splashing me.

By the end of it, the walls were soaked and we were laughing so loudly that Kaylee knocked on the door asking what in the name of all things holy we were doing in the bathroom together.

"NEVERMIND. I DON'T WANT TO KNOW." She decided, walking away.  Pretty rich, coming from the lesbian chick who does Margaret at least four hours a day.

We stepped out of the tub and dried off, squeezing the water out of our hair and putting on fresh clothes.

We stepped out into the main room and sat down on the couch, our skin was still hot and damp from the hot bathwater.  

Richard and Joseph gave me skeptical looks as Bianca and I sat down together.  It was the look of, "I know what you were doing, but you still have to admit it to me later."  I felt my cheeks flame up.  They obviously weren't the only ones who were suspicious.  Kaylee and Margaret were wearing dirty little smirks and clinking juice boxed from the dining table.

I lay back  on the couch while Steve roots around in the kitchen area, trying to find something to prepare for dinner.  He was behaving like a housewife, which was only a little strange, because he is a man-child.

Bianca stretches her legs acorss my lap and gives me a beaming smile, a damp strand of blonde hair falls in her coffee colored eyes. For a moment I forgot we had company.  I forgot we were in the middle of a fucking crisis.  I forgot that any minute that door could break down and we could be eaten alive.

I looked into her eyes, and tucked the strand of hair behind her ear and kissed her lips gently.  We were in our own world. Her soft hand stroked my cheeks, her lips tasted like sugar and strawberries.  

"Fucking called it." Margaret said, "Pay up, dork." 

Steve dug a ten dollar bill out of his wallet and slapped it on the table bitterly. "I thought it was a one time kiss.  There was a dead guy, I freaked too.  Thank God I didn't go gay on your though."

"Yeah that's probably for the best, seeing as I'm going to be in the same bed as you." Joseph said.

"It's not too late, baby." Steve winked, putting his hand on Joseph's upper leg.

"OH HELL NO!" He said, jumping about a mile in the air and shooting away from Steve.

"No. Man, I like girls." He laughed. He paused for a second.

"I have nothing against watching you have sex." He said, "Really. You can be comfortable around me."  He gave all of us pointed looks.

"Can all the attractive women stop being gay?" Richard said, pouting. "Us men are losing all chances at getting laid before being killed."


"Maybe I should give it a go too." Aimee said thoughtfully.

"Not a terrible idea. Boys are kindof gross."

Jamie Croft and The Zombie ApocalypseWhere stories live. Discover now