9. Taking back the Crown

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The wind around the training field picked up as if it too mourned the death of such an innocent soul. Her blood seeped into the ground and stained the earth a deep red. Nova's heart could be heard in her ears as she took in the gracefully splayed out body of the elven maid who killed herself to send a message. A message of hope to those oppressed under the blood king and one that signaled the end of his era. Shouting came forth from the shadows where a great many servants emerged, picking up weapons and swinging them wildly at anyone that they could get their hands on. There was no doubt that Liz'ette was much loved among them and it showed in the streaming tears on each of their faces as an angry red color came upon their cheeks and pointed ears. King Seith's face dropped and he paled while his guards hesitantly stood to protect him. Some held their heads up, honor bound to defend their King while others turned their weapons against their brothers in arms.

"Nova!" came a shout. She realized she was cowering on the ground after the two men had left her to join the bloodbath. Her dull green eyes looked up, still blurred with tears, but made out the face of Kros. "Nova," he said a bit more gently and hoisted her up into his arms. She balled up her fists weakly and glanced back again at the form of the elven woman she had met just that day being trampled over by rage driven guards and servants alike. "I guess this plan will work well enough. It's a bit soon and rushed but I suppose we can make do," he muttered in a hurry as he ran with Nova still tightly held in his arms. He nearly flew up a staircase as the huntress regained her focus and began to stir.

"Where are we going?" She asked but didn't mention the fact that she could walk on her own.

"The bell tower," he replied between pants. Seconds later they emerged from the staircase and into open air where the huntress could look over the palace and city below. There was hardly time for her to admire the view as Kros set her back on her feet and began to violently pull the rope attached to a massive brass bell. It rang out over the city with a tone that sounded like a warning or possibly a distress signal, she wasn't sure. What the huntress did know was that she could see the ant-sized forms of Tryians emerging from their homes left and right. Many carried weapons and were headed straight for the palace but their numbers weren't as threatening as she had imagined.

"This isn't hardly enough..." she whispered into the cold breeze that went across her skin as an effect of the still chiming bell.

"Just wait," came his strained voice. A small shape shot into the sky and headed towards them with lightening speed. A shock of red hair and a blur later, Maylen was standing on the bell tower, wings still extended in anticipation. A slight grin broke onto Nova's face as the Fae saluted the pair.

"Where to sir?" She asked in a very professional voice, much different than her usual playful but feisty tone.

"Gather the Dracon pair and the rest of my men. We take back the throne today," he said curtly and off she went again. Nova pulled her hair over her shoulder and anxiously began braiding a strand as more and more civilians poured from different buildings around the city. It was nearly unimaginable to her that so many blindly followed a man they barely knew to lead them. Then again, anything must have been better than the king who cared very little for his people and left them to die in the ridiculous feud against his brother.

"And what are we going to do now?" Nova asked when Kros regained his breath and came to lean against the railing next to her. His blue eyes scanned the horizon and his mind shifted it to what he would soon transform Tyrial into; a land of peace and prosperity with a fair and wise king.

"Now, it's your turn Nova."

Once they returned to the halls of the palace, Kros brought her to a very hidden chamber filled with alchemists potions and scrolls that were stuffed in every corner of the shelf-lined walls. Upon entering, a figure skittered out of a back room to greet them but cowered slightly at Kros. Nova didn't understand the body gesture he was displaying but followed commands when her companion told her to give the stranger her arm. She extended her wrist to the man wrapped in grey robes. His eyes were shifty and his hands shaking with nerves, but still he took it and swept his own hand over the enchanted bracelet. It disappeared as he took away his hand and then he flinched back, expecting an attack from her that didn't come. "Thank you," she replied and gave him a smile. Before anyone could say another word, he was returning back to the room from which he came, shoulders slumped forward and shut the door with a loud slam.

"What was that about?" She asked but the captain waved off her question to lead her to their next objective. Shouting and screams of death could be heard as they walked through the twisting corridors, slightly drowned out by the thick walls around them. The huntress ignored everything else and tried to focus on their task but the battle beyond the walls irked her. Kros halted when they arrived at the double doors, intimidated by what lay beyond.

"Are you ready?" He asked her and she nodded after a second of contemplation.

"As ready as I'll ever be," came her firm reply. The slightest of smiles crept onto his lips but left as quickly as it had come when he pushed through the heavy doors.

"Seith, tyrant of Tyrial!" He shouted as they made their entrance. As soon as Nova set a foot in the throne room, a wind picked up out of nowhere as it had the day that the King ordered her into the ring. Banners were stripped from the walls and the guards that made a firm line in front of the golden throne held tighter to their weapons. The huntress narrowed her eyes and they turned into slits, chilling everyone caught in her glare to their cores. "Your reign ends here!" Kros continued as they menacingly walked towards the wall of armored men. Nova glanced to the side and saw the dark shape of a claw peeking from behind a pillar and she rose her hand towards the men. The claw snapped and fire was summoned to her fingers that sent small pricks of warmth through the huntress. In a quick motion, she shot out her hand and the flames erupted to the guards before her, melting their armor and weapons as their shrieks began to echo throughout the room. Nova flinched at the scene of burning flesh and metal clinging to their skin, effectively bringing the line to their knees. King Seith cowered behind his throne with a blade drawn. It shook in the air as Nova took in the blatant fear on his features but continued to strut forward.

A ring of fire appeared around the throne, causing Seith to cry out and crawl away from the flames licking at his robes. "It's over," Nova said and brought out her clawed foot, catching his blade and slamming it to the ground. Seith began to sob uncontrollably like a sniffling pig and it brought an ounce of joy in her heart to see such a formerly arrogant man brought down by fear and fantasy.

"I surrender! Take my throne and my crown...m-my kingdom is yours whisperer, just spare my life," he stuttered and bowed down before her. As soon as Nova opened her mouth to retort, Kros stepped forward and placed his boot in the tyrant's side before pushing him to roll over.

"You have never given mercy to those you oppress so why should we grant you that privilege?" He asked. Seith blubbered but Kros was having none of it. "Men! Take him to where he strapped Nova down for a week and leave him to be judged by his people," the captain barked to the guards of his that were beginning to wander into the throne room. Seith shrieked and begged as they dragged him away and Kros smiled, taking a seat on the throne that was left empty.

"You are going to let him be killed?" Nova asked with a raised brow. She hated the man as much as the next person but for an odd reason, a dark feeling had seemed to enter her heart as she took in the vision of Kros seated on the golden pedestal. He gave a short laugh that sounded somewhat like a snort before leaning his head on his fist.

"I believe he is getting what he deserves," was his short reply. Nova had nothing else to say of the matter but stood awkwardly in his presence as he took the crown that was left discarded by the former ruler. Slowly he placed the intricate golden piece on top of his head and a sigh escaped his lips. "Can you see it Nova?" He spoke with his eyes closed. They cracked open very slowly as if he was holding on to every moment of his new leadership. "A United Tyrial with us as it's rulers."

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