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V–We met again on the 30th of July–B

"Here, look at this flower and tell me what you see Val."

"It's beautiful and tiny. I like its color. It would be nice to dry it and keep it in my room."


"What is it? Did I say something wrong?"

"No, you just replied like 99 percent of the population would have."

"What about the other 1 percent?"

"Don't take me as a nature lover-slash-fanatic but this is the alternative answer:
I picked this flower for my personal enrichment, I killed it and it did not scream, it's normal to pick flowers right? If you pick one you don't think about how you killed it and no one will charge you for doing so. It's just a plant, I want it, so I get it. Now here comes the sad part: flowers might not have feelings or feel pain, whereas others have. We do the same things to strangers, friends, family without even knowing it, because of things such as money, status, personal enrichment or just due to pure will. Killing does not have to mean murdering someone physically. You can kill people's joy, happiness, will to live, and what is the worst thing about it? You don't even know, because you don't care enough. You can kill someone on different levels, hurt someone on different levels and scar them for a lifetime by the tiniest action you do or word you speak to them."

"... It's just a flower."

"You don't understand."

"You think to much."

"You know Valerie, for your eyes are really beautiful, they're really bad."

"At least I don't have constant sad eyes like you do, Blake."

"I'm sorry."

"No, I didn't mean it like that-"

"Yes you did.
And it's okay.
You're right."

Sad Eyes, Bad Eyes [completed]Where stories live. Discover now