- 3 days

4 1 0


3 more days until the deadline.

My mum called today. We had a 5 minute smalltalk. She didn't ask if I'm coming home, she just called because something with the insurance came up and then filled the rest of the awkward conversation with family gossip.

The worst thing is that my hope regenerates itself all the time and it hurts a little bit more everytime if a big disappointment temporarily takes its place. But those things are out of my reach, I can't decide how people feel about me. I can't decide how I feel. I can't do anything about this situation, everytime I tried I failed, and I'm just so tired ... tired of trying ... tired of get disappointed ... tired of hoping for a better day tomorrow ...


As I watched a Youtube Video today, Blake came into my mind. Those last 3 weeks we weren't texting much and I feel like he's distancing himself from me. Did I do something wrong? Maybe it's because I'm so busy recently and barely take the time to talk to him. But on the other hand, we're not really close, we just knew each other for not even three months and we just really met once. I do not count Facetime calls as a meeting ... He looked really tired the day we facetimed, I bet his classes are hard and he doesn't get enough sleep.

Should I text him? I don't know ... maybe later ...

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