Chris Evans- The Boss (part 1)

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I smoothed out my black pencil skirt as I stood in the elevator, straightening out my blouse and letting out a shaky breath as I rehearsed everything in my head. This is the most important interview I've been to, so I need to make sure I say all the right things. I closed my eyes and recited everything in my head, breathing deeply.

The lift came to a stop and the doors opened with a ding, and I opened my eyes only for my gaze to land upon a tall, suited figure who was stepping into the elevator. My breath hitched slightly as I took in the appearance of the man who had not yet spared me a glance. His beard was scruffy, his light brown hair perfectly styled. Whoever he was, he intrigued me. He was clean cut, wearing a blue suit with polished black shoes and a perfectly aligned spotted grey tie.

The man pressed a button for his floor and turned to face me as the doors closed, my eyes suddenly meeting his beautiful blue orbs. His lips instantly turned up into a small side grin.


God, his voice was sexy too. The lord is either with or against me right now, I can't tell.

"Uh, um.. hi." I stuttered out, face palming internally at how pathetic I sounded. Nice going, jackass. My cheeks heated up while he chuckled deeply.

"I haven't seen you here before, are you new?" His voice was rough but velvety soft, it was the most audibly pleasing sound I've ever heard.

"No. Well, erm- I have an interview today." Smiling nervously up at him, I mentally applauded myself for managing to form a sentence without sounding illiterate.

Just as I answered him, the elevator dinged and the doors opened. I cleared my throat quietly and once again smiled at the stranger, whose gaze was on me the whole time.

"Well... bye." Could I have sounded more awkward? Probably not. I went to step into the hallway as the man's voice blessed my ears once again.

"Good luck," the stranger grinned at me from inside the lift, "and relax. You'll be fine."

As I smiled back at him, the doors closed and I was left staring at my hazy reflection in the shiny metal. Jeez, that was the most awkward encounter of my entire life, but his looks made it worth the pain my pride felt.

Taking a deep breath, I walked to the reception desk and I was asked to take a seat in the waiting area while I waited for the interviewer. My foot tapped nervously and five whole minutes passed before someone came to get me and I was taken to a quiet room at the end of a long hallway. Closing my eyes briefly, I somehow calmed myself and entered the interview room with a friendly smile on my face. Thankfully, the interviewers were incredibly nice and seemed pleased with the answers I provided to their questions.

"Well, thank you for your time miss. We will have someone call you with the news before this evening."

Saying my goodbyes, I left the room feeling confident and proud of myself. Upon leaving the tall company building I hailed a cab to take me back to my apartment that I shared with my friend, Hayley. The cab dropped me off on my block, and I quickly paid the driver before hopping out and practically running into my apartment.

"Hayley!" I shouted as I slammed the door shut and slipped my shoes off before running into the kitchen, finding her sat on a stool eating cereal in her pyjamas.

"Blimey, what is it? Was it an ex? Did you see Lady Gaga?!" She stared at me wide eyes in shock as she threw questions at me.

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