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I pound on Camille's door. My mind is racing..I can't believe I did that. I was just so mesmerized by her eyes...I don't know what happened.
"Max?" Camille asks opening the door
"Hey." I say
"What's up?" She asks
"I need to tell you something." I say
"Okay.." she says
"Please don't be mad." I say
"Just say it." She says
"I accidentally kissed Laney.." I say quickly
She stands there for a moment taking it all in.
"You accidentally kissed her?" She asks slowly
I nod.
"We were talking about Harvey and I just..I don't know.." I say
"Just now?" She asks
I nod.
"I'm really sorry." I say
"Don't..don't..worry about it okay?" She says
"Are you sure? I'm really sorry, you can slap me do whatever you want." I say
"Max, its fine. I'm not mad." She says
I nod. I step up and kiss her.
"I'm sorry." I say again when we pull away
"It's fine." She says
I look into her eyes and I see the storms forming again. I step off her porch and begin walking up the road to my house. What have I done?
Harvey's POV

I lay in my bed staring at the wall. Laney wasn't my only friend but she was the only one who wasn't fake around me. She was real. Besides that one time but..I couldn't have asked for a better friend. I may never find someone like that again. All of the sudden my phone buzzes. I pick it up.

Camille: meet me @ the park, big oak tree

I stare the text, it could be a trick. But Camille isn't like that..is she? I slowly get up, I stretch and rub my eyes. I head into the bathroom and wash my face. Then I comb my hair so it looks decent. I grab my jacket and head downstairs.
"I'm going out for awhile." I tell mom
"Ok, don't be out to late, do you have your phone?" She asks
I nod.
"Ok, have fun!" She says
I nod. I step out the door and into the fresh air. I begin walking down the road to the park, I run into Max whose walking up the road.
"Hey." I say
"Hey.." he says
"You okay?" I ask
"Not really.." he says
"What's wrong?" I ask
"I'll tell you later." He says
I nod. I continue walking to the park.
I enter the park gates and make my way to the big oak tree. I look around for Camille, I don't seem her.
"Up here." She says
I look up and see her sitting on the branch.
"How did you get up there?" I ask
"I climbed." She says
I begin climbing up the trees, I pull myself up.
"What's wrong?" I ask sitting down next to her
"Everything." She says
I don't respond. I could say the same about myself.
"Max kissed Laney." She says finally
"He did?!" I ask
"Yeah..it was an accident though." She says
"Oh." I say
"I forgave him but it was fake. I'm hurt." She says
"Camille I'm really sorry. You know Max he makes mistakes." I say
"But what if that wasn't a mistake. What if he purposely did that?" She asks
"Why would he do that?" I ask
"Because they used to date and he fell in love with her again." She says
"Now Camille don't jump to conclusions like that, it could have been an accident just as he said." I say
"But what if it wasn't?!" She says getting upset
"You have to trust Max. You love him right?" I ask
"Yeah.." she says hesitating
"Why was there hesitation when you said that?" I ask
"Because there was. I love him of course I do, but I don't know. He's popular, he does all  these things.." she says trailing off
"If you really love him and you guys can trust each other you shouldn't have to worry about this stuff." I say
"It just really hurt me." Camille says
I nod.
"Did he just do that today?" I ask
"Yeah, he said they were talking about you, honestly that's what he said." She says
"Me?" I ask
She nods.
"Oh." I say
"I'll get through this right?" Camille asks after a moment of silence
"Of course you will." I say
I give her a weird side hug without falling.
"Thanks Harvey, I needed this." She says
I nod.
"And about you liking me.." she says
"Oh..that.." I say
"I'm honored Harvey. Maybe someday.." she says
"Don't count your pennies, Max loves you and he probably feels really bad." I say
"Yeah, I just need some time alone, maybe distance myself for awhile. But not break up." She says
"Yeah. Maybe that would be good." I say
She nods. We stare out into the setting sun. It's a beautiful sunset.

Poor Camille. Will she be able to truly forgive Max? Also added a #Carvey moment just because😂😊 don't forget to vote comment and share!💗

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