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1 week later

Everyone scrambles around to gather their last minute necessities for the trip to England. Harvey and I finish packing our suitcase, I zip it closed and we pull it off the bed together.
"Are you ready?" He asks
"Yeah." I say looking at the ground
"Don't worry I'm sure you're gonna like it." He says and smiles
I smile back, he slips past me and out the bedroom door. I wander into Tilly's room, she's packing all of her dollies into a bag. I bend down to her.
"Tilly do you really need to bring all of those dollies? It's only for 4 days." I say
"4 days of boredom, so I need to bring dollies!" She exclaims
I laugh.
"Okay but not that many okay?" I say
"Fineee." She says and begins to unpack some of the dollies
I get up and wander into mom and dad's bedroom.
"All packed?" Dad asks
I nod.
"Are you excited to see your new school?" Mom asks
"Sure." I say shrugging
"I'm sure you'll love it. Now is Charlise and her mom meeting us here or at the airport?" Mom asks while looking for something
"Here I think." I say
She nods. I wander back out of the room and down the stairs. Harvey's at the counter eating a banana. He glances at me.
"You look..not okay." He says trying to find the right words
"I'm just a little nervous." I say
"Don't be." Harvey says
"This school is the best in England. There's probably so many people there better than me, I'm not sure if I'm ready for that." I say
"Max, you're the best artist or drawer I know. Don't doubt yourself. You'll be fine." Harvey says
"Thanks.." I say
There's a small knock on the door, I run over and open it, revealing Char and her mom.
"Hey." I say
"Hey Max! Are you ready?" Mrs. Paella asks excitedly
"Yeah.." I say
"So is Char, right honey?" She asks
I glance at Char, she looks down at her feet.
"Right mom." She says flatly
I invite them in.
"Mom, Dad! They're here!" I call up
"Okay!" Mom calls back down
Ms. Paella goes over to talk to Harvey. I glance over at Char again.
"You okay?" I ask
"Nope." She says flatly
"Don't worry, I'm a little nervous too. But I'm sure we're gonna-" she cuts me off
"That's not what I'm nervous about." She says
"Oh. Then what's wrong?" I ask
"I'm scared of flying." She says awkwardly
She glances at me, she looks embarrassed. I smile.
"Don't feel embarrassed. You'll be safe." I say pulling her into a side hug
"Are you sure?" She asks
"Positive. I'll even sit next to you if that makes you feel better." I say
"Haha thanks.." she says
Mom and Dad come down the stairs with their suitcase.
"Oh Laura! How are you?" Mom says
"I'm great and you?" Mrs. Paella asks
"Great!" Mom says
They all glance at us.
"You ready kiddos?" Dad asks
We both nod.
"Alright. Well lets get things into the car." Dad says
"I'm all packed!" Tilly exclaims coming down the stairs with her suitcase and a backpack.
"Wow Tilly you really cut down the dollies huh?" I ask
"Oh this is only my clothes suitcase." She says
Everyone laughs. I shake my head. We begin packing our things into the car. Harvey and I help Ms. Paella and Char put their stuff in, then we help Tilly.
"Tilly maybe you can get Leo to play with all of these dollies with you." Harvey says
"Leo!!" Tilly exclaims and jumps into the car
Harvey and I both laugh and follow her into the car. I squeeze in next to Chara and Harvey gets in next to me.
"Kind of a tight fit, sorry about that." Mom says
"No worries." Ms. Paella says
I twiddle with my fingers as we drive to the airport. I listen to the parents ramble on about cooking, daycare or school. We arrive at the airport and pull out all of our luggage from the car. Dad drives the car to parking while we go in to check in. We drop off our bigger luggage at the desk, Mom gets our tickets, we follow her to our gate.
"Okay everyone don't lose these." She says and passes out everyone's tickets
Dad meets us at the gate, we take our seats since our plane doesn't take off for awhile. Harvey and I wander around the airport for something to eat. We find a vending machine with some chips in it.
"Does anyone else want anything?" Harvey asks as he puts in the money
"Chara wanted some chips.." I say
"What kind?" Harvey asks punching in his number
"Doritos?" I say questionably
"If she doesn't want them then I'll have them." Harvey says putting in the number
I watch as they fall out of their rack. Harvey reaches in and hands me the bag along with my chips. We walk back to everyone, I hand Chara the bag of Doritos.
"Is this what you wanted?" I ask
"Yeah that's fine." She says taking the bag from me
I sit back down next to her. She rests her head on my shoulder, I smile to myself.
"Are you tired?" I ask
"Yeah.." she says
"You can sleep on the plane ." I say
"Nope." She says
She closes her eyes. I wrap my arms around her and rest my head on hers. It's kind of comforting.
Chara's POV

He wraps his arms around me and I soon feel almost all of his muscles relax. I let myself relax knowing that I'm safe. I never actually thought I'd be friends with Max Mills again. I thought I lost him forever, when he was in his coma I was to scared to see him and I knew he had a thing for Camille. But now since they're not together I may possibly have a chance. Because I almost had a chance until Jackson ruined that. But I'm not gonna just spring it on him because that's selfish right? Being friends again is enough for now.
Someone shakes us awake, I open my eyes and my mom is standing above us.
"Time to go." She says
I carefully move out of Max's grip, he's still asleep.
"He's a heavy sleeper." Harvey says
Harvey takes Tilly's neck rest and smacks onto Max.
"Ow!" He exclaims
I laugh. He glares at Harvey, Harvey shrugs and gives Tilly back her pillow. Max grabs his bag and follows everyone to the gate. My heart rate grows at we near closer, I hand the lady my ticket, she rips it part of it and gives it back to me. I follow my mom through the tunnel thing to the plane.
"Now who are you sitting with char?" Mom asks
"Max." I say
"Alright.." she says
I take a seat by the window and Max sits down next to me.
"Ready?" He asks
"I guess." I say glancing out the window
"You'll do fine." He says
I fasten my seatbelt.
"Welcome everyone to American Eagle Airlines, we would like to thank you for flying with us today. Make sure your seat belts are fastened and you have located the life preserver under your seat in case of an emergency. Please turn all phones off and keep your trays up for take off and landing. Next stop, London England, thank you for flying with us."
The intercom turns off, I feel the plane beginning to move. I grip the arm rests and stare out the window. I watch as we lift off. It's kind of cool, I feel the pressure of the changing of altitudes. My ears plug. Soon we're high in the sky and my ears pop. I glance around, Harvey and Tilly are across from us, Mrs. and Mr. Mills are in front of us and my mom is across from them.
"Doing okay?" Max asks
"Yeah. It wasn't as bad as I thought." I say
"See?" Max says
I give him a light smile and glance back out the window. London here we come.
Off to England to check out the school! Max and Chara seem to be getting closer 🤔 do you think they'll end up together? Don't forget to vote, comment, and share!💗🌸

(Fall)ing for Him // Max and Harvey FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now