@ShutTheFuckOff (we used to be so close and then we went our separate ways and asdfghj i miss you)
This request was from 2015 wowz
I walked through the halls, talking to Luna as we headed to the Great Hall for lunch. We've been friends as soon as I stepped onto Hogwarts Express my second year. I smiled at the thought.
"What are you thinking about?" She asked me, noticing the smile on my face.
"I was just thinking about how we first met." I chucked to myself and Luna smiled fondly. "You helped me find my earrings." She said. I nodded my head, the smile still spread across my lips. "You wouldn't have noticed that you lost them if it hadn't been for me."
"And I am eternally grateful for that." She flicked her dangling radish earrings. "I am nothing with out them." I smiled at her dreamy expression. She was so cute. As soon as I met her that day on the train, I instantly fell for her. I admired her free spirit and confidence. The poor thing gets bullied all the time for her.... abnormal tendencies, but to this day, I have never seen her get pushed around.
I remember the time she built a giant lion's head to support the Gryffindor team at quidditch, and some Hufflepuff broke off the muzzle. I remember he laughed in her face, taunting her with the broken piece. He quickly shut up when she shoved her wand in his face, however. She never fails to threaten someone when they try to bully her. It's always so amusing to watch, just listening to her dreamy voice say, "If you say one more thing I swear I will make it the last" or something like that.
The victim's face is priceless every time.
As we continued to chat, we turned the corner into the hall with the staircase that led to the dungeons. I clutched my books to my chest tightly. This was where the Slytherins usually waited for me.
I told them if they were to cross me again, I'd smash my books right in their face. And I fully intended to if I saw there face.
"Well well well, look who we have here." My blood began to boil. I spun around to face Goyle.
What a fuckin' prick.
"Hello, Goyle." I said through clenched teeth. I could feel my knuckles turn white, I was clutching my books so tightly.
"Aww, and she brought her little friend, too." He then placed his hands on his mouth mockingly. "Oh wait! I forgot, you're not a she." I felt Luna's delicate hand on my shoulder in an attempt to calm me, but it wasn't working. "So you're a he, right?"
"You know damn well who I am, fucker."
"Oh, right, my apologies, you're neither! How peculiar." He took a step closer. "So, you're an it, I presume?" I bit my lip and closed my eyes, trying to hard to keep my composure. I was so close to hexing this boy.
"Goyle, I'm going to need to ask you to step away." I opened my eyes to see Luna pointing her wand at Goyle, there was a fire in her eyes.
"Oh no!" Goyle waved his hands in the air and laughed. "Loony's gonna get me!" He wiped a tear from his eyes and continued jeering. "Loony, what's it like being friends with a thing?"
"Come on, Luna. Let's just leave."
"Because she's not a person, right? Loony, do tell me, what on earth is she? Oh, I'm sorry, it?"
"Luna, lets go, he's a waste of our time."
"Whats wrong, it? Ya scared-"
I'm KIDDING, that's not what happened. Could you imagine, though?
I heard a mutter and then a loud thud. I whipped around to see Goyle down on the ground, paralyzed, and Luna breathing heavily, her wand still up.
"Oh damn, Luna." She stuffed her wand in her boot and proceded to walk to the Great Hall. She still looked agitated.
"Wait, we're just going to leave him here?" She turned around and gave me a puzzled look. "Yes, and your problem is..?" I paused before shrugging my shoulders. "Fair point." I shuffled my way back towards her and we finally continued our way to the Great Hall.
"You know," Luna slung her arm around my shoulder. "Good girlfriends protect their partner, and I just protected you from Goyle.. so that technically makes me a good candidate to be your girlfriend."
I blinked repeatedly, processing what she had just said. "Luna Lovegood, what on earth are you proposing?"
"I'm proposing that I should be your girlfriend." She took my hand in hers. "This is another thing that girlfriends do, I'll do it everyday if we were dating."
I laughed and shook my head, and Luna cracked a smile. "Yeah, I guess you would make a pretty good girlfriend."
And with that, we walked into the Great Hall, holding hands.
"I'll also make you a matching pair of radish earrings."
"Oh man, sign me the fuck up."

harry potter imagines and preferences {OPEN}
FanfictionTitle says it all! I'm also gonna do preferences. Requests are open!!!!! *Plus, I do not write for the next generation, because I did not read The Cursed Child